Author: fiona




非洲大学经济学家Thomas Masese说道,想要刺激国家经济的增长,津巴布韦需要在经济发展一些更关键的地方下功夫,比如经营成本,发展生产等问题,而不是先考虑建立黄金银行。

Set up gold reserve bank

Visiting investment consultants from the United States of America and Canada have implored Zimbabwe to consider setting up a gold reserve bank and introduce a gold currency with a view to attract international capital. Apart from bringing money into the country, the use of gold as a currency could also increase confidence in Zimbabwe’s currency, financial system and ultimately economy.

Local economists, however, said that the lack of reliable information from mineral exploration makes it difficult to use gold to back currency. Another challenge would be the value of the gold which is determined on the world market, which may make the gold backed currency volatile.

An economist with the Africa University, Mr Thomas Masese said that instead of a gold bank to resuscitate or grow the economy, Zimbabwe needs to work on economy hygiene issues such as the cost of doing business, boost production, etc.

Turnall 恢复盈利

住房和管材产品生产厂家Turnall Holdings2014年九月开始的转型调整计划已经开始取得成效,到2015年12月31日,Turnall Holdings已恢复盈利。该企业公布盈利为10 6938美元,相比起2014年1190万美元的亏损来说无疑是一种进步。企业的恢复很大程度上要归功于使供应商多样化的决定, 这项决定大大节省了主要产品特别是温石棉的成本。



Turnall returns to profitability

Shelter and pipe products manufacturer, Turnall Holdings’ turnaround process which began in September 2014 has begun to pay dividends as it returned to profitability in the year to December 31, 2015. The group posted a profit of $106 938 which was a recovery from a loss position of $11, 9 million in the prior year. The performance was largely due to the group’s decision to diversify its suppliers which resulted in significant cost saving on key inputs especially chrysotile fiber.

Other strict cost control measures include aspects like cost of sales lower at $22, 4 million from $32, 3 million; administration expenses at $3, 8 million, 71% below prior year; financing cost decreased by 6%.

The group is also expecting to reap further rewards from a combination of rightsizing the business, further cost reduction and capturing market opportunities.


一位高层政府官员表示,津巴布韦政府计划在一些小规模矿山建立32个黄金加工中心以增加其对国家产出量的贡献。中心将会提供多样化的服务,包括黄金选矿,采样点以及协助环境影响评估。矿山矿业开发部副部长Fred Moyo表示中心所装配的机械设备是通过申请中国进出口银行贷款从中国购进的。

副部长Fred Moyo说:“但是设备运费是由我们自己承担,所以现在政府和储备银行正在考虑银行工会能否筹集到150万美元资金把价值5万美元的设备由中国运输到津巴布韦。”

他还表示黄金加工中心和设备将会安置在Mashonaland West, Mashonaland Central, Midlands and Matabelel South几个省份。

Govt to establish 32 gold processing centers

The government of Zimbabwe plans to establish 32 gold processing centers in small-scale mining areas around the country to increase their contribution to the national output, a senior government official has said. The centers would offer various services such as gold milling, collection points as well as assisting with Environmental Impact Assessments. Mines and Mining Development deputy Minister Fred Moyo said the centers would be equipped with machinery acquired from China under a Chinese Export and Import Bank credit facility.

“But, freight is on our account, so we are deliberating with the Reserve Bank to see whether they and the Banks Association can come together to raise an amount of $1.5 million which we will use to move the equipment worth $5 million from China to Zimbabwe.”Deputy Minister Fred Moyo said.

He also said Mashonaland West, Mashonaland Central, Midlands and Matabelel South provinces would get the bulk of the gold centers and equipment.



现金短缺是津巴布韦2008年经济和政治危机的一个表现,三月初,这一危机又再次浮出水面。民主变革运动反对党称此次危机为“虚弱的危机”,周六,该党派声称一些银行已经限制了自动取款机的取款额度。该党发言人Obert Gutu在一次声明中说:“那些需要保证每日现金需求的客户正面临更小的ATM机日取款限额。





Cash crisis set to worsen, MDC-T warns

Zimbabwe’s cash crisis is so severe that some banks are no longer supplying US dollars and are only dispensing South African rand, the main Movement for Democratic Change opposition party has said.

Cash shortages, a feature of Zimbabwe’s 2008 economic and political crisis, resurfaced at the beginning of March. Calling the crisis “debilitating”, the MDC said on Saturday that some banks had restricted cash withdrawals from ATMS and tellers.“Clients attempting to secure cash for day to day needs are now confronted with reduced daily limits at ATM’s and tellers in Banks,” party spokesman Obert Gutu said in a statement.

“Some Banks are unable to supply US dollars in cash and instead offer cash Rand. When they do so clients must pay for the cost of exchanging Rand for USD balances and then when they attempt to use the Rand in local markets, they find that they are offered goods at a significant premium to the USD prices.“

Significant job losses in 2015 and a slowdown in industrial activity has meant fewer people are using banks in the southern African country.

The Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC said illegal money changers had resurfaced on the streets, charging stiff premiums for anyone wanting to buy US dollars, the party charged.

“All of these developments point to an emerging cash crisis which is likely to become much worse in the next few weeks,” said Gutu.



同时,津巴布韦还会收到某一未提及名字国家的8亿9600万美元贷款用于偿还对世界银行的欠款。此外,非洲进出口银行将会为哈拉雷提供6亿100万美元贷款用于偿还对非洲发展银行的欠款。Mangudya 表示非洲发展银行之后还会为津提供相同数额的拨款。


A loan expected from IMF in 2016, RBZ

Zimbabwe expects a loan from the International Monetary Fund(IMF) in the third quarter of this year, the first since 1999, after paying off foreign lenders by the end of June, the central bank governor said on Wednesday.

Zimbabwe would also receive an $896 million loan from an unnamed country to pay off arrears to the World Bank. In addition, the African Export-Import Bank would provide $601 million for Harare to clear arrears to the African Development Bank (AfDB). Zimbabwe would then receive the same amount as a grant from the AfDB, Mangudya said.

The worst drought since 1992 has left 4 million Zimbabweans facing hunger and had forced the government to lower its growth target for 2016. Once Zimbabwe clears its arrears, it would be ready for rating by international ratings agencies, with a view to issue international bonds in future, said Mangudya. The government had issued $250 million in treasury bills to raise money for its operations in 2015, Mangudya said, adding that the bank would soon start holding public auctions of treasury bills to enhance transparency in state borrowing.