Year: 2016


3月16日,津巴布韦环境管理局(EMA)表示将会降低原先环境影响评估费用的标准,即项目费用 的1.5%,此举目的是增加津巴布韦商业环境的便利度。在一项报告中,EMA表示,新的费用标准将会遵循“浮动费率制”,轻度影响的项目缴费210美元,中度影响项目缴纳工程费用的0.8%,重度影响项目为工程费用1%。极重度影响项目将要缴纳项目总费用的1.2%。


EMA(Zimbabwe) reduces Environmental Impact Assessment fees

The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) said 16 March it had reduced Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) fees from 1,5 percent of project cost in an effort to improve the ease of doing business in Zimbabwe. In a statement, EMA said charges would now be based on a “sliding scale” with small impact projects paying a fee of $210, moderate impact projects paying 0,8 percent of project cost while high impact projects would pay one percent. Extremely high impact projects would pay 1,2 percent of the total project cost.

EMA said:“The new fee structure is aimed at boosting sustainable investment in the country as we endeavour to balance environmental, economic and social components in a growing green economy.”






Mongu-Kalabo road to be a springboard for development-Kalaba

The Mongu-Kalabo Road Project total work progress has reached 80% and is scheduled to complete in April 2016.

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba says the construction of the 87km Mongu-Kalabo road will enhance plans for the establishment of an oil pipeline between Zambia and Angola and promote trade between the two countries.

“This road is going all the way up to Sikongo border, meaning that we are opening up Angola and Zambia and we will have a lot of traffic. The market in Zambia is yawning, the market in Angola is yawning, and so this road interlinking the two countries is significant,” Mr Kalaba said.

The minister, who was in Mongu to officiate at the Youth Day commemoration, said the Patriotic Front (PF) administration is determined to improve infrastructure such as roads to enable youths participate in trade and economic development.




津消费者协会马塔贝莱兰地区管理人Comfort Muchekeza先生说,政府现在急需和玉米生产国家合作增加进口量来缓解玉米餐的短缺。他还说,商品价格从去年起就逐渐下降,其中一个原因是近几个月来南非兰特的贬值。“南非是我们最大的贸易伙伴,该国货币的贬值,使批发商和当地零售商交易价格下降,并且程度较大,连消费者也有了明显感觉。” Muchekeza说到。

Decrease in fuel price pushes cost of living down

In its latest update, consumer watchdog, the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ) said notable decrease was recorded in fuel which has been going down over the past few months following international oil prices which have also been on the downward trend. This has led to the price decrease of some commodities like sugar, fresh milk, laundry bar and cabbage.

“We assume that the above price decreases are necessitated by the reduction of fuel costs as more commodities are imported from outside the country. However, the increase in mealie-meal prices is due to importation costs and shortage of maize in the country,” said the consumer watchdog.

CCZ Matabeleland regional manager Mr Comfort Muchekeza said there was an urgent need for the Government to engage maize producing countries and purchase more to alleviate shortage of mealie-meal. He also said that prices of commodities have been gradually dropping since last year, one of the reasons being attributed to the fall of the South African rand in recent months. ”As a result of South Africa being our number one trading partner, the fall of that country’s currency made it cheaper for local wholesalers and retailers to an extent that the price drop was felt by consumers,” said Mr Muchekeza.


副总统Inonge Wina在3月12日的议会上表示,国际市场的铜价正在恢复正常,但赞比亚经济若要从中受益可能还需要时间。


副总统还解释说政府正着手于经济多元化发展以刺激增长。“引发通货膨胀的因素有很多,我们国家出口收益的压力也很大,但我们正采取措施来恢复收益。” 她说道。

Copper price benefits could take time – Wina

VICE-PRESIDENT Inonge Wina told Parliament on 12th March that it may take some time for Zambia’s economy to benefit from the recovery of the price of copper on the international market.

Mrs Wina said the rising copper price does not automatically guarantee benefits to the Zambian economy.  “It may take time to benefit Zambia’s economy. It is a long process and not a one-day thing,” she said, “Our economic future is very bright. The indicators are there.”

The Vice-President explained that Government is diversifying the economy to trigger growth. “Inflation is triggered by many factors and our export earnings were under pressure but we are on a path to recovery with the measures we have put in place,” Mrs Wina said.



在昨日(2016/03/10)的一次采访中,财政和经济发展部长Patrick Chinamasa 表示政府已和银行方面谈妥了一些关键问题并起草了一份互惠文件。




一旦新能源有所发展,如600兆瓦的太阳能光伏发电厂投入使用,赞比亚将变成地区性的电力出口大户,工商部代表Raymond Mpundu说。

Mpundu先生 3月9日在赞比亚的太阳能投标会上说,政府考虑优先发展能源,尤其是太阳能。

