Month: July 2016

Tanzania E-Commerce Growing At 50 Percent

Tanzania e-commerce is growing at an average of 50 per cent, thanks to government and stakeholders’ initiative to improve mobile data.

Speaking at the launch of premium services yesterday at the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair, online shopping Acting Manager, Makusaro Tesha, said access to internet is changing people’s attitude and now the majority people are gaining interest in online shopping.

According to Tesha, online shopping in Tanzania is not a new service with the company alone having more than three years of undertaking its operations. He explained that the new services launched by the portal will enable online payment processing for small and medium-sized businesses as well as marketplaces.

“The costs are relatively affordable and will enable a subscriber with an advert an advantage of 25times more than the conventional method,” said Gift Joshua, Head of Marketing.

He said the firm has been registering at least 2000 advertisements daily, about 60,000 a month, allowing more customers to make online purchases from a largest range of products.

The site offers a growing portfolio of over 7,500 products, with a commitment to keep sourcing new, innovative and premium products to satisfy the needs of all its loyal customers.



随着2012—2015 计划的完成,国际货币基金组织于周一对科特迪瓦进行为期两周的访问,就新经济和金融项目与该西非国家进行洽谈。

经济和金融部长Adama Kone于周一提到“国际货币基金组织与科特迪瓦于2011年11月达成协议,预计于2015年12月完成,后延期一年。” Kone提到“超过66亿美元投入到2012—2015的计划中,该计划圆满完成了。”  “科特迪瓦经济表现良好,在2012—2015计划中保持每年9个百分点的增长,严格控制通货膨胀、预算赤字及债务问题。”




代表赞比亚政府签订条约的商务、贸易和工业部长,Margaret Mwanakatwe认为该双边贸易协定将会对两国进行的多种项目有积极影响。根据商务、贸易和工业部长常任秘书Kayula Siame在Lusaka日报的发言。

Mwanakatwe女士提到“该协议旨在促进两国贸易扩张,进一步加强经济及政治联系。” 上周在卢安达的协议签署仪式中,部长称“在促进贸易和投资中,协同合作至关重要,同时也在管理与双边贸易条约实施相关的利益上发挥重大的作用。”她驱策赞比亚进口商对该贸易条约多加以利用,同时也督促安哥拉市场与赞比亚标准局共事,确保他们的货物达到国际标准。Mwanakatwe女士说“赞比亚开发机构将向开发商提供他们所需的便利,以便更好地进入安哥拉市场” 安哥拉商业部长,Rosa Escorcio Pacavira De Matos 提到该 协议将促进贸易、市场交易及人员和货物的流通。De Matos女士同时说到该协议也将培育在两国间的公共及私人投资。




Zambia and Angola signs trade deal


ZAMBIA has signed a bilateral trade agreement with Angola to increase trade between the two countries. The trade stands at US$8 million in exports and US$175,000 in imports

The bilateral trade agreement will further exempt some products from customs duty.

Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margaret Mwanakatwe, who signed for the Zambian government, said that the bilateral trade agreement will have a positive impact on the diversification programmes being pursued by the two countries.This is according to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry permanent secretary Kayula Siame

Mrs Mwanakatwe said the agreement is designed to facilitate the expansion of trade between the two countries and further strengthen economic and political ties.

The minister said in Luanda during the signing ceremony last week that: “Synergies between trade promotion and investment promotion will be critical to harnessing the benefits associated with the implementation of the bilateral trade agreement.”

She urged Zambian exporters to take advantage of the trade agreement and the Angolan market by ensuring that their goods meet international standards and to work with the Zambia Bureau of Standards.

“The Zambia Development Agency will be on hand to provide any facilitation the exporters will require to access the Angolan market,” Mrs Mwanakatwe said.

Angola’s Minister of Commerce, Rosa Escorcio Pacavira De Matos said the agreement will enhance trade, improve market transactions and the movement of people and goods.

Ms De Matos said the agreement will also foster public and private investments between the two countries.

The agreement is intended to make Angola one of Zambia’s largest export markets and further create an opportunity for investment, competition and innovation for the private sector, thus, enhance job and wealth creation in areas such agriculture, tourism, energy and construction.

The trade agreement has provided a list of products that will be exempted from custom duty.

The agreement will further compliment other initiatives such as the development of the Lobito Corridor, which is aimed at renewal of the Benguela Railway Line which was commissioned last year.

Zambia and Angola signs trade deal


ZAMBIA has signed a bilateral trade agreement with Angola to increase trade between the two countries. The trade stands at US$8 million in exports and US$175,000 in imports

The bilateral trade agreement will further exempt some products from customs duty.

Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margaret Mwanakatwe, who signed for the Zambian government, said that the bilateral trade agreement will have a positive impact on the diversification programmes being pursued by the two countries.This is according to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry permanent secretary Kayula Siame

Mrs Mwanakatwe said the agreement is designed to facilitate the expansion of trade between the two countries and further strengthen economic and political ties.

The minister said in Luanda during the signing ceremony last week that: “Synergies between trade promotion and investment promotion will be critical to harnessing the benefits associated with the implementation of the bilateral trade agreement.”

She urged Zambian exporters to take advantage of the trade agreement and the Angolan market by ensuring that their goods meet international standards and to work with the Zambia Bureau of Standards.

“The Zambia Development Agency will be on hand to provide any facilitation the exporters will require to access the Angolan market,” Mrs Mwanakatwe said.

Angola’s Minister of Commerce, Rosa Escorcio Pacavira De Matos said the agreement will enhance trade, improve market transactions and the movement of people and goods.

Ms De Matos said the agreement will also foster public and private investments between the two countries.

The agreement is intended to make Angola one of Zambia’s largest export markets and further create an opportunity for investment, competition and innovation for the private sector, thus, enhance job and wealth creation in areas such agriculture, tourism, energy and construction.

The trade agreement has provided a list of products that will be exempted from custom duty.

The agreement will further compliment other initiatives such as the development of the Lobito Corridor, which is aimed at renewal of the Benguela Railway Line which was commissioned last year.



Jose Severino,安哥拉行业协会主席,在一次与外国记者的采访中指出,土木建筑工程及石油行业是大部分工作流失的产业,从2015年6月至2016年5月,国家财政收入减少一半。这位商业领袖认为,安哥拉的经济将随着国际石油价格的回升而得到改善。Jose Severino 提到“石油价格正在回升,经济也将在一个新的宏观环境中运转。以及,国际货币基金组织预计向安哥拉提供经济援助以提高其信用评级,并将改善非洲国家的经济条件。

去年,官方通货膨胀率已达到26%,将促使安哥拉出口更多的石油、钻石、农产品以及建筑材料。主席指出“无论如何,为了购买工业所需的原材料和设备,安哥拉应重新建立一个稳定的国际货币供给。” 他呼吁安哥拉政府在减少外汇储备上实行更严格的控制和管理,并且在商业银行及公司中重新建立一条新的直接联系是的更多的外汇流入工业领域。


Angola loses 60,000 jobs in the past one year

Angola has lost some 60,000 jobs in the past 12 months due to the economic crisis triggered by the falling international oil prices, according to the latest statistics by the Angolan Industrial Association.
Most of the job losses occured in the civil engineering and oil sectors with state revenues reduced by half from June 2015 to May 2016, said Jose Severino, chairman of the Angolan Industrial Association in an interview with foreign journalists.
The business leader believed the Angolan economy would improve as international oil prices bounced back.
“Oil prices are rising and the economy will be running in a new macro-environment,” Jose Severino said.

He said the International Monetary Fund was also expected to provide economic assistances to Angola to raise its credit ranking and improve the financial conditions of the African country.
The inflation rate, which officially stood at 26 percent in the past 12 months, would help Angola to export more of its oil, diamonds, farming products and construction materials.
However, the country needed to re-establish a stable supply of foreign currencies to buy raw materials and equipments for the industrial sector, the chairman said.
He called on the Angolan government to put in place stricter control and management over the shrinking foreign currency reserves and to re-establish a direct link between commercial banks and enterprises to channel more foreign currencies to the industrial sector.