Month: April 2016




非洲大学经济学家Thomas Masese说道,想要刺激国家经济的增长,津巴布韦需要在经济发展一些更关键的地方下功夫,比如经营成本,发展生产等问题,而不是先考虑建立黄金银行。

Set up gold reserve bank

Visiting investment consultants from the United States of America and Canada have implored Zimbabwe to consider setting up a gold reserve bank and introduce a gold currency with a view to attract international capital. Apart from bringing money into the country, the use of gold as a currency could also increase confidence in Zimbabwe’s currency, financial system and ultimately economy.

Local economists, however, said that the lack of reliable information from mineral exploration makes it difficult to use gold to back currency. Another challenge would be the value of the gold which is determined on the world market, which may make the gold backed currency volatile.

An economist with the Africa University, Mr Thomas Masese said that instead of a gold bank to resuscitate or grow the economy, Zimbabwe needs to work on economy hygiene issues such as the cost of doing business, boost production, etc.


土地,自然资源和环境保护部副部长Davies Mwango说政府已经简化了土地征用的繁琐手续,鼓励赞比亚侨民回国申领土地。


同时,Susan Sikaneta大使说,非洲联盟心怀感激,因为赞比亚政府赠予10英亩土地给联合国经济社会理事会秘书处建造新部,还给在卢萨卡设新部的东南非共同市场赠予土地。她说这样土地便得到了最好的利用,其价值永存,并且给卢萨卡增添了光彩。

Government encourages Zambians abroad to apply for Land back home

Lands, Natural Resources and Environment protection Deputy Minister Davies Mwango says government has simplified the land acquisition process for Zambians living in the Diaspora.

Mr. Mwango says the simplified process will enable Zambians who are living abroad to easily access land at home, and the government is in the process of revising Land policy adding that government is currently receiving inputs from different stakeholders including government ministries.

Meanwhile Ambassador Susan Sikaneta says the African Union is grateful to the Zambian government for the 10 acres plot land given for the construction of the new headquarters of the ECOSOC Secretariat and another piece of land for the construction of the new COMESA headquarters in Lusaka. She says this will be valuable use of land whose benefits will remain forever and add to the beauty of the city of Lusaka.

Turnall 恢复盈利

住房和管材产品生产厂家Turnall Holdings2014年九月开始的转型调整计划已经开始取得成效,到2015年12月31日,Turnall Holdings已恢复盈利。该企业公布盈利为10 6938美元,相比起2014年1190万美元的亏损来说无疑是一种进步。企业的恢复很大程度上要归功于使供应商多样化的决定, 这项决定大大节省了主要产品特别是温石棉的成本。



Turnall returns to profitability

Shelter and pipe products manufacturer, Turnall Holdings’ turnaround process which began in September 2014 has begun to pay dividends as it returned to profitability in the year to December 31, 2015. The group posted a profit of $106 938 which was a recovery from a loss position of $11, 9 million in the prior year. The performance was largely due to the group’s decision to diversify its suppliers which resulted in significant cost saving on key inputs especially chrysotile fiber.

Other strict cost control measures include aspects like cost of sales lower at $22, 4 million from $32, 3 million; administration expenses at $3, 8 million, 71% below prior year; financing cost decreased by 6%.

The group is also expecting to reap further rewards from a combination of rightsizing the business, further cost reduction and capturing market opportunities.



“嘉能可公司的这一消息显然带来了乐观信号,但总体上来说美元供大于求。”分析师Maambo Hamaundu说道。


Glencore’s plan to invest over $1.1 billion in Zambia strengthens the Kwacha

Reuters reports that Glencore’s plan to invest over $1.1 billion in Zambia to sink three copper mine shafts with new technology that will extend mine life by over 25 years, is pushing the kwacha to its highest in two months.

“The news from Glencore obviously sent a positive signal but overall we are seeing a lot of dollar supply with very little demand,” analyst Maambo Hamaundu said.

Glencore plans to make the investments between now and 2018 and it was expected that Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) would be turned into a world-class mining operation by 2023.