Category: Events

Accès aux marchés économiques et commerciaux dans la région des Caraïbes à partir de la Guyane française.

Un des buts de l’AFCHAM  est de faciliter, hors de la Chine, la participation de sociétés privées chinoises d’ingénierie financière et d’investissements à la réalisation de grands travaux en Afrique, en Europe ainsi que dans la zone des Caraïbes et de la Méso Amérique.
Dans les Caraïbes, zone géographique où Emmanuel Argo1 est en charge de coordonner des initiatives, la Guyane française  offre une série d’opportunités pour des projets destinés à l’amélioration de son développement économique et commercial.
Par ailleurs elle offre un accès direct à un marché commercial constitué par les populations des pays avoisinants qui représentent plus de 39 millions d’habitants. De plus, ces pays sont membres de l’Association des États de la Caraïbe (AEC)  qui rassemble plus largement les États et territoires riverains de la Mer des Caraïbes et compte plus de 243 millions d’habitants (sources INSEE Antilles Guyane).
Quel que soit le périmètre pris en compte, la région des Caraïbes présente un marché d’une grande diversité de langues, d’influences culturelles, de statuts et modèles d’institutions politiques. La France en est membre, au titre de ses  régions franco-européennes d’outre-mer que sont la Guadeloupe, la Guyane et la Martinique.

Afin de mettre en perspective des partenaires du développement économique et commercial de la Guyane, l’AFCHAM organise une conférence internationale le 10 décembre 2016 à Shanghai.
Seront présentes des sociétés Chinoises de premier plan et étrangères spécialisées dans l’expertise de contrats dits  publics-privés et le montage de financements pour la réalisation de grands projets internationaux hors de la Chine, ainsi que des groupes bancaires européens présents tant en Asie que dans le reste du monde.
Participeront également des sociétés du BTP international ainsi que d’autres prestataires de services spécialistes dans la réalisation de grands travaux.
Des entreprises expertes dans l’habitat et les infrastructures  présenteront leurs expériences.
Seront aussi présentes, des sociétés  spécialisées dans  la création de zones franches et EPZ (Export Processing Zone) désireuses de s’implanter en Guyane pour  développer dans les Caraïbes et au delà, l’exportation de productions chinoises

Pour information,  la  Guyane zone géographique  Franco-Européenne d’Outre-mer est considérée  comme un atout économique et stratégique doté de personnels locaux disposant d’un bon niveau de qualification professionnelle.
Les concepteurs d’EPZ pourront entraîner  dans leur sillage des entreprises chinoises de secteurs comme : la confection, la fabrication de petits matériels et outillage, pêcheries et transformation, sylviculture, bio agriculture etc désireuses, de délocaliser pour produire hors de la Chine, sous label  ‘‘Made in France or in Europe’’.

Certains projets lancés pourront s’appuyer de façon complémentaire, sur  les dispositions économiques et financières prévues par les Accords de Paris lors de la  COP 21 récemment ratifiés par la Chine et sur des aides financières disponibles auprès d’instances internationales (U.N. , P.N.U.D. etc…)
Pour le suivi de cette conférence et la mise en place de partenariats, dès le début de l’année 2017, différentes réunions pourront se tenir en Guyane.
1Emmanuel Argo
Conseiller  International ex officio de l’AFCHAM China pour la zone des Caraïbes. D’origine Afro- Caribéenne, est né en France. Bénéficiant d’une large expérience internationale, Il a enseigné en université, le droit de la Communauté Européenne et élaboré au titre de la Société Civile de nombreuses recommandations auprès d’instances internationales et consultatives : Organisations des Nations Unies, Comité Economique et Social Européen, Commonwealth,  G8 et G20. Il est aussi membre de Chatham House/ The Royal Institute for International Affairs en Angleterre

Social Entrepreneurship (September 29, 2016)


Agrius OLEME

A social entrepreneur with 10years experience in China working with the French community on numerous humanitarian projects in China and beyond.

His Project

In Cameroon his native country, he is the co-founder and promoter of FONDATION COMBI, a social entrepreneurship initiative which has empowered more than 500 women so far and involved them in various activities positively impacting their lives and entire communities.



  • “The gift of a simple solar buddy light starts to actively address energy poverty and enables communities to achieve a brighter”

Mawukoe Kodah

Cesar Mawukoe Kodah is an entrepreneur and songwriter originally from Togo, West Africa. His entrepreneur career in business began in 2009 where he founded KIW Group with his brother. An international trading company focusing in import and export between Africa and Asia dealing primarily in product development and procurement. With most recent expansion of an office in China under the name: Star Harbor Trading (星航国际贸易(上海)有限公司)—a Shanghai based international trading and consulting company serving clients from around the world.

His project

Today, as part of his mission to give back to the community, partnering with BrightBeam by Doble to improve the quality of education, health, safety and economic status of all people in developing world by supplying innovative, safe, engaging and sustainable solar energy solutions. Together they run a children empowerment program with schools in developed countries—a buddy-to-buddy system where students would buy a light to gift to students living in rural off grid areas around the world. The lights have successfully been distributed to countries such as Papua New Guinea, Tibet, Rwanda, Uganda and currently in talk with several other countries such as India, Togo, Ghana, to name a few. Combining its growing popularity of the mission and Cesar’s musical talent in music—a song titled “Until The Light Comes” will soon illuminate many other rural communities in Globally.




Land of African Business Forum

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The Land of African Business is a place of  dialogue and network gathering decision makers and entrepreneurs committed to an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through innovation. Founded in 2014 by Eric Bazin, reporter, former editor in chief and founder of the Planet workshops, the LAB is a think tank aiming to build another perspective of “Africas”, pushing the reflection and work for the mutation of the societies through sustainable and inclusive development models, growth sharing and harmony between populations. It puts business and innovation at the core of the debate, joining together economic, media, social, cultural, associative and political personalities with a cross-disciplinary approach focused on partnership spirit. After a successful first edition last year during COP21, with over 3000 participants and 40 nationalities represented, the LAB will host its yearly meeting from 19 to 23 October 2016, in Paris. Through conferences and roundtables, it will be an inescapable event, and a preamble of COP22 in Marrakech. 

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Entrepreneurship oriented

The LAB also hosts a competition dedicated to promising start-ups & innovation: the African Rethink Awards – ARA. This competition rewards young entrepreneurs sharing a common vision: being major actors of the Continent’s growth by focusing on societal, economic, social and environmental projects. 100 young start-ups will pitch their business model before CEOs, investors, NGOs, experts, media, and political figures… Four prizes will be awarded to the winners.


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    G20 Warm up sessions

    China recently published its start up investment fund standing at $338 Billion, making it the biggest pot in the world. Beijing now boasts the world's second-largest number of most valuable tech startups. What can we make of this? And how will this shape our economies? World Economic Forum Global Shapers Shanghai ll proudly presents this summer's third G20 warm up session on INNOVATION together with Slush Shanghai and African Chamber of Commerce. .


    Join us to hear the stories of entrepreneurship and open innovation through three different angles and take part in the discussions on how China could harvest this to collaborate globally

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      The TV/Telco Business in Africa is facing numerous challenges and players in the industry are exploring new avenues and strategies to adapt to the evolving TV, video and music ecosystem.

      Over 2 days, Dataxis gathers Executives at a leading conference that opens debate on new business models & regulatory issues and reinforces relationships between service providers, telecom operators, regulators, content providers and distributors, producers, value aggregators and technology providers.

      Don’t miss this opportunity to capture the new trends of Africa TV, Video and Music business!

      03rd Oil & Gas Tanzania 2017-International Trade Exhibition & Conference,16-18 August,Dar- es -Salaam,Tanzania


      It is truly remarkable how East Africa, and specifically Tanzania has in a short period of time become the main focus of attention as a source of new global gas supply. Large amounts of foreign investments have been made in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas industry after its discovery. These investments have made East Africa the next lucrative market in the international scenario.


      With as much as 100+ exhibitors spread out over a 5,000 square mts. of exhibition space, the 19th edition of OIL & GAS AFRICA offers a nearly 60% increase in size from last year. More than 100+ exhibitors will be comfortably accommodated at the venue with a special showcase of the open display of machinery.


      100 + Exhibitors

      22 + Countries

      4200 + Visitors

      2000 + Professional Visitors

      03rd Power & Energy Tanzania 2017-International Trade Exhibition & Conference,16-18 Augeust


      The 3rd Power & Energy Tanzania 2017 will be held from 16 – 18 August, 2017 at Tanzania's prime international venue; the Mlimani Conference Centre in Dar-es-Salaam.


      The POWER & ENERGY industry is a sector of the economy that transforms various resources into constructed physical economic and social infrastructure necessary for socio-economic development. The Tanzania Power & Energy industry continues to be the most exciting and developing sectors in the economy of the country, attracting thousands of investors.


      150 + Exhibitors

      22 + Countries

      4200 + Visitors

      2000 + Professional Visitors

      20th BUILDEXPO AFRICA 2017 ,10-12 August,Dar- es -Salaam-Tanzania


      BUILDEXPO is Africa’s premier and most trusted building and construction tradeshow. The latest edition will offer the best global manufacturers and exporters a platform to enter the world’s most promising market of the millennium – Africa. The trade event will cover a variety of sectors in construction, ranging from building and construction material, aluminium steel profiles, granite, ceramics and pipes fittings to mining, tools and hardware.


      200 + Exhibitors

      30 + Countries

      5000 + Visitors

      2000 + Professional Visitors


      The 20th PPPEXPO 2017 ,22-24 August,Dar-es-Salaam,Tanzania


      The 20th PPPEXPO 2017 – International Trade Exhibition on Plastic, Printing & Packaging is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania, concurrently held with East Africa Trade Exhibition (EAITE). The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 20 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries at one time.


      • 110 + Exhibitors
      • 20 + Countries
      • 3800 + Visitors
      • 2000 + Professional Visitors

      10th International Colloquium of Rabat| 27/10/2016-29/10/2016

      “Trade, Investment and Sustainable Development”

      Rabat, Morocco

      The Economic Commission for Africa (Office for North Africa and African Center for Trade Policies) is organizing, on 27-29 October 2016 the 10th International Colloquium of Rabat, under the theme: “Trade, Investment and Sustainable Development.” This event is being organized in partnership with the WTO Chair of the Mohammed VI University of Rabat and the Laboratory for Applied Development Economics (LEAD – Toulon University).

      Participants will analyze the stakes of multilateral trade negotiations in relation with climate change and sustainable development. They will also examine the international commitment of developing countries in accordance with their social and economic needs.

      Organizers will dedicate an additional day (29 October) to a seminar for doctoral studies, with the participation of young researchers working on themes related to the colloquium or countries from the Mediterranean region.