Land of African Business Forum

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The Land of African Business is a place of  dialogue and network gathering decision makers and entrepreneurs committed to an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through innovation. Founded in 2014 by Eric Bazin, reporter, former editor in chief and founder of the Planet workshops, the LAB is a think tank aiming to build another perspective of “Africas”, pushing the reflection and work for the mutation of the societies through sustainable and inclusive development models, growth sharing and harmony between populations. It puts business and innovation at the core of the debate, joining together economic, media, social, cultural, associative and political personalities with a cross-disciplinary approach focused on partnership spirit. After a successful first edition last year during COP21, with over 3000 participants and 40 nationalities represented, the LAB will host its yearly meeting from 19 to 23 October 2016, in Paris. Through conferences and roundtables, it will be an inescapable event, and a preamble of COP22 in Marrakech. 

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Entrepreneurship oriented

The LAB also hosts a competition dedicated to promising start-ups & innovation: the African Rethink Awards – ARA. This competition rewards young entrepreneurs sharing a common vision: being major actors of the Continent’s growth by focusing on societal, economic, social and environmental projects. 100 young start-ups will pitch their business model before CEOs, investors, NGOs, experts, media, and political figures… Four prizes will be awarded to the winners.


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