Retailers’ summit will be held next month

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers in partnership with Ribal Brand solutions will host the Zimbabwe International Retailers’ Summit next month. Running under the theme “Unlocking Zimbabwe’s retailer opportunities for accelerated economic growth”, the summit will discuss issues affecting the retail sector and policy issues requiring further interrogation. Some of the pivotal issues to be discussed at the summit will include currency reforms as well as the effects of the weakening rand on the local economy among other issues. The summit will also review how the bond coins introduced by The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe have managed to resolve the “change” crisis which has seen most retailers over-charging for their goods and services.

CZR president Denford Mutashu(photo) in an interview said the summit will also discuss how to best improve capacity in the manufacturing sector and the employment levels. Meanwhile Mr Mutashu said retailers should use conventional strategies to market products in the face of stiff competition rather than resorting to engaging touts which cause discomfort to customers.
