Category: News

Nigeria Air seeks strategic partner to invest $300m

Nigeria’s government is seeking a strategic partner to invest up to $300 million and operate the new national airline, Nigeria Air, according to a document seen by Reuters on Thursday.

The West African country’s previous national carrier, Nigeria Airways, was founded in 1958 and wholly owned by the government. It ceased to operate in 2003.

Hadi Sirika, minister of state for avi

ation, on Wednesday said the government would not own more than five percent of the new carrier, called Nigeria Air. He made the comments while providing details of the airline at the Farnborough air show in England.

The government plans to launch the airline in December, making good on President Muhammadu Buhari’s election campaign promise.

Investing in infrastructure

Decades of neglect and lack of investment have left Nigeria with low-quality infrastructure seen as a hurdle to prosperity. The government has said that upgrading it will require private investment.

“The initial capital is likely to be in the range of $US 150 to 300 million, invested in tranches over time from start-up through the first years of operation,” a government document stated.

It said the government will provide initial capital but did not state the sum or give further details.

The government will “facilitate the process for opening up the capital of the airline to private sector financial investors”, the document stated.

A private operator, sought through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) process, will manage the airline without interference, it said.


Nigeria’s aviation industry

Nigeria Air would serve domestic and international markets and expect to have a fleet of 30 aircraft in five years with hubs in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria’s two main cities.

British billionaire Richard Branson set up domestic and international carrier Virgin Nigeria in 2000 but pulled out in 2010 in frustration at what he said was interference by politicians and regulators.

The airline he created, which was later rebranded Air Nigeria, closed in 2012 after collapsing under about 35 billion naira of debt which left it unable to pay staff, a former finance director of the company told Reuters at the time.

Nigeria is overhauling its aviation infrastructure and handing over its airports to private managers in order to improve the business environment for the industry sector to attract investment, the document said.

It said current air traffic in Nigeria is around 15 million passengers which is expected to grow at five percent per annum through to 2036.


Special Supplement: African Energy – A vibrant market

First the good news. Analysis of the 5,300-plus operating, under-construction and planned generation plants now recorded by African Energy Live Data shows installed capacity on the continent will increase by almost 50% from 2018 to 2022, should all announced commercial operations dates be met. The majority of the growth will come from gas and liquid fuel-fired projects, but investment in renewable energy (RE) is increasing quickly.

It is of little surprise that Africa’s largest economies and most populous countries have the largest amount of power generation under construction. With the exception of Ethiopia – which is developing the 6 GW Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (Gerd), East Africa has relatively few megawatts under construction, particularly in troubled areas such as Somalia and South Sudan. However, the region’s ambitious transmission plans point to considerable potential for power trading and, away from established grids, East Africa has proved the crucible in forging innovative off-grid solutions, as it has for other transformative technologies such as mobile banking.

Despite significant gas and hydroelectric power (HEP) resources available in West Africa, of the 6,838 MW under construction in the region, 4,102 MW is taking place in Nigeria. Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Burkina Faso are witnessing very little progress and have seen little new capacity come online in the past few years.

South Africa and Angola account for 92% of new generation being built in Southern Africa. In North Africa, Egypt and Algeria also account for 92% of the under construction megawatts, although Morocco and Tunisia also have major renewable energy (RE) and thermal construction projects.

Almost half of the under-construction power generation is located in North Africa (18.5 GW in Egypt and 11.4 GW in Algeria). West, East and Southern Africa have more modest levels of new capacity being built, while only 814 MW is recorded as under construction in Central Africa.


Live Data is an innovative and interactive data platform that allows investors and developers to identify and evaluate power projects across the continent. The platform contains detailed information on more than 5,300 projects and 4,500 organisations as of May 2018, with data points on everything ranging from fuels and technology to shareholders, financing and background information. Live Data’s sophisticated Data Tool aggregates project data to provide insight into the structure and outlook of the power sector at a country, regional and continental level.


Renewables breakthrough

Tumbling prices for solar and wind technologies, coupled with enthusiastic support from programmes such as the World Bank Group’s Scaling Solar and any number of bilateral initiatives from RE enthusiasts such as Germany, have contributed to ever more economies turning to RE solutions. Should the pipeline recorded by Live Data be realised, the share of renewables in the energy mix across Africa will grow from 21% by end-2018 to 25% in 2022.

Broken down regionally, the share of renewables (which includes HEP) in Central Africa will increase from 64.4% to 68.8%, in East Africa from 59% to 65%, in Southern Africa from 25.5% to 28.1%, and in West Africa from 20.4% to 25.9%. RE as a share of the gas-dependent North African electricity supply industries (ESIs) will only moderately increase, from 8.7% in 2018 to 10.2% in 2022.


Jon Marks is editorial director and David Slater is senior project manager at African Energy (

Djibouti’s $3.5 billion Chinese-built free trade zone

Djibouti commissioned a $3.5 billion, Chinese-built free trade zone on Thursday, deepening ties with the Asian giant and helping the Horn of Africa nation generate more jobs for its youths.

Djibouti, with a population of 876,000, already hosts Chinese, U.S., and French naval bases and it also handles roughly 95 percent of the goods imported by Ethiopia, its land-locked neighbor with 99 million people.

The new trade zone, one of several new port and trade facilities being developed by Djibouti, covers 48 square km and was built by China’s Dalian Port Corporation.

The zone will be jointly operated by Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority and China’s Merchants Holdings company.

Zone to facilitate job creation

The zone which will house manufacturing and warehouse facilities, an export-processing area and a services centre, is expected to handle trade worth $7 billion within two years, and create 15,000 jobs when complete.

“It is … a zone of hope for thousands of young jobseekers,” Djibouti President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh said at the inauguration ceremony, which was also attended by the presidents of Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan.

China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ project

The agreement to build the free trade zone was signed in March 2016 as part of China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which is a bid to expand trade routes with a series of infrastructure initiatives stretching across 60 countries.

“Our strategic location and world-class facilities have … seen Djibouti’s importance as a trade hub recognised globally,” Aboubakar Omar Hadi, chairman of the Djibouti Ports and Free Trade zone, told Reuters at the ceremony.

Djibouti already handles most imports for neighbouring Ethiopia, and aspires to become a gateway to South Sudan, Somalia and the Great Lakes region

 source: reuters

ICT Investment and Partnership Key to Fuelling Africa’s Digital Growth

Rapid advancements in information communications technologies (ICT) over the past 20 years has substantially altered the ways in which people live, work, play and interact with one another.

The World Bank’s World Development Report shows that ICT has a positive effect on a country’s economy, with a 10% increase in broadband penetration being associated with a 1.4% increase in gross domestic product (GDP) growth in emerging markets.

Driving growth and job creation

Digitisation also has the greatest employment effect. According to the World Bank statistics, every 10% increase in broadband penetration will lead to 2% to 3% increase of employment rate. In 2016, China’s digital economy created 2.8 million jobs, accounting for 21% of the total new jobs. Japans 2015 White Paper on Information and Communications indicates; if small businesses can fully adopt ICT technologies such as cloud services, they will be able to create about 200,000 jobs.

Similarly, research shows a 90% correlation can be seen between investments in ICT and a country’s’ success in meeting several key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The African Union Agenda 2063 has acknowledged the importance of Digital Inclusivity for African countries to bring the continent on par with the rest of the world as an information society.

However, there are still some challenges in availability, accessibility and affordability including geographic challenges of reaching small, remote communities, poverty and lack of basic knowledge and skills. Statistics from GSMA shows that, approximately 53 percent of the world’s population is still unconnected, and 80 percent of the unconnected population is located in Asia-Pacific and in Africa. On average, 69 percent of the African population do not have access to internet, with many of those unconnected living in rural areas.

Multiple approach to beat challenges

Challenges always come with opportunities. To solve these challenges, we need to take a cross-sector approach and we need to think differently about how to address the business model challenge. To tackle this issue, some of the solutions available include:

First of all, it is important to have a master plan to direct investment and attract the best talent. For instance, Germany’s Industry 4.0 and the Made in China 2025 initiatives have been designed to make the manufacturing industries in these countries intelligent by using ICT. Under the Smart Community strategy of the Malaysian government, the digital economy has grown to make up 17% of total GDP within just 3 years, which makes it one of the world’s highest ranking countries in this regard. In this information age, development of ICT should be prioritized on a par with other forms of infrastructure and basic services crucial to society such as electricity, water, roads and bridges.

Second, we need new innovations that enable lower cost but similar performance solutions that can shorten the time needed to recover investment costs and hence provide the private sector with an incentive to invest. For example, given the significant investment costs and inability of the revenues to cover both the set-up and operation costs, telecom operators do not have an incentive to invest in building rural networks. Innovative technologies can help make it viable for operators to invest in rural areas.

Third, it is necessary to provide policies that can lower the barriers of digital transformation. For example, Thailand provides subsidies to encourage ICT infrastructure construction in rural areas; Italy encourages carriers and electric companies to work together in laying out optical fiber; Saudi Arabia allows carriers to mount sites on streetlamps and regulations in Germany requiring the installation of fiber-optic cables in all new houses and roads. Allocating more resources and providing supportive policies including streamlining approvals, usage of Universal Service Funds, reducing taxation, and using ICT to deliver public services more efficiently, effectively and equitably will allow for more sustainable and inclusive development.

Fourth, we need innovative business models that can generate more benefits for users and to provide users with the skills to use and benefit from smartphones. This will enable telecom operators to generate more revenue. Mobile money is one of the best examples. With the right skills and content, users can also access educational content, learn how to improve yields on their farms, and get better prices for their cattle or crops. This will directly enable them to increase their incomes and both drive and enable greater spend on communications, hence improve the investment rationale.

Embracing these solutions requires cross-sector partnerships and new thinking. These can directly translate into higher availability, accessibility and affordability of ICT services. This will lead to a future where everyone can is able to access the Internet to unleash their own potential to create value and create economic and social gains for themselves and to exercise and enjoy their rights to a better quality of life, dignity and equality.

Article by Li Peng, President: Huawei Southern Africa Region

Africa towards Green Finance

“In Africa, we are beginning to see an emerging trend whereby central banks, financial institutions and insurance companies are starting to respond to risks posed by climate change and putting in place financial models and risk management frameworks that take into account environmental risk factors.”

Out of the trending issues, the greening of the financial system, driven by global climatic changes, and how to deal with cryptocurrencies, also known as virtual or digital currencies, are presenting African central banks with major challenges. On face value, climate change looks alien to central banking. It’s an issue associated with governments that have a primary role in creating green economies and ensuring adherence to international climatic protocols, such as the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Climatic change is however a concern, not only for governments, but for all regulatory arms of governments and ordinary citizens as it impacts on livelihoods, financial systems and economies. The greening of financial systems is a concept that has recently emerged and is becoming part of the extended mandate for central banks.

Environmental financial risk – the risk arising from climate change – poses significant systemic risks to economies and financial systems which central banks cannot afford to ignore. According to a Bloomberg opinion piece by Ferdinando Giugliano, ‘Global warming is a Central Bank issue’, “Monetary authorities are right to be mindful of the way in which climate risk affects their mandate to ensure price stability.”

In Africa, we are beginning to see an emerging trend whereby central banks, financial institutions and insurance companies are starting to respond to risks posed by climate change and putting in place financial models and risk management frameworks that take into account environmental risk factors. As part of managing risks caused by climate change – environmental financial risks – there is an emerging trend wherein financial institutions, as part of their credit rating system, now require more disclosures from customers on their ‘green credentials’, such as in respect of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change has made extreme weather events such as heatwaves, severe winters, floods and droughts more frequent.  Agriculture is Africa’s largest economic sector, contributing 15% of the continent’s GDP annually, or more than $100bn in 2016.

If farmers fail to produce good harvests due to climatic changes, the financial risks to national financial systems and economies can be devastating. African countries export agricultural commodities to the global markets in Europe, USA, China and other places, where manufacturing industries depend on them. The effects of climate change not only affect African financial systems and economies but by extension, global financial systems and economies. When local banks fail to service their obligations due to the effects of climate change, the international financial lenders also take a knock.

Real effects of climate change

The effects of climate change on African economies and financial systems in particular, are more real than hypothetical. African central banks need to manage systemic risks – the risks to entire financial systems – posed by the effects of climate change. Risk-based bank supervision models and guidelines need to be tweaked to ensure that the financial industry adjusts its financial models, capital adequacy ratios and risk frameworks to deal with climate change related risks.

The debate that has often arisen in credit risk management is:  should banks give a lower credit risk weight to ‘green investments and assets’ or ‘green projects’?  Should companies which produce renewable energy products or companies that have switched to ‘green systems’ be given lower risk weights when assessing their capital requirements simply because they have gone green? Conversely, should ‘brown assets’ or greenhouse gas emitting investments, be given higher risk weights?

As the world moves towards green economies, in essence this would mean that ‘green assets’ would be cheaper to hold than ‘brown assets’ and that it would be cheaper to invest in green assets than it would in brown assets. 

Would it mean, for example, that financing arrangements for combustion-driven machinery or equipment, which burn carbon fossil fuels, would attract higher interest rates than green – solar or lithium battery – powered ones?

If these financial models are adopted in literal terms, greening financial systems could create some socioeconomic challenges, which may be in conflict with established financial lending models. This could produce some backlash for central banks.

“In promoting ‘green investment’, a central bank would risk overstepping its mandate. By choosing to treat bank loans differently depending on their green credentials, a central bank could also be accused of distorting competition in the economy”, concludes Giugliano.

African central banks face challenges in affecting monetary policies that advance greening of financial systems, unlike central banks in the developed world which have already stood up to the challenge of climate change by introducing comprehensive green banking guidelines that cover issues such as carbon pricing, green credit, risk weighting of green and brown assets. However, the new challenges facing African central banks do not end with the greening of financial systems.

Cryptocurrency headaches

The popping up of cryptocurrencies, also known as digital, alternative or virtual currencies, is causing headaches to African central bank governors as their use is increasing, especially with the risk-taking and speculative younger generation.

According to Wikipedia, Bitcoin, created in 2009, was the first cryptocurrency. Bitcoins are created by a process called Bitcoin mining and so far 17m bitcoins have been mined and are in circulation. Other cryptocurrencies have come up, such as Litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin and Monero.

Cryptocurrency is a virtual medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, create units and verify transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies do not have a single administrator as they work on a decentralised digital platform that holds or exchanges the virtual currency. Cryptocurrencies offer anonymous transactions by obfuscating the IP address and geo-location of users so that they are untraceable.

Most, if not all, African central banks do not recognize cryptocurrencies as currency, a medium of exchange or legal tender. Algeria’s new finance law of 2018 prohibits trading in virtual currency. Although the global status of cryptocurrencies remains largely undefined, in Western Europe, USA Japan and Dubai, for example, it’s legal to trade in Bitcoin.

On 31 March 2018, the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) clarified that cryptocurrencies are not deposits or financial instruments authorised by the Central Bank of Nigeria:  “These forms of currencies are not backed by any physical commodity, such as gold or other precious stones. They do not belong to the category of currencies or coins issued by CBN or the central bank of any country”, according to Adikwu Igoche, Manager in charge of research development at NDIC.

The Kenyan Central Bank, as far back as 2015, issued a public notice warning against use of virtual currencies as no entity in Kenya is currently licensed to offer services using virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, which are not legal tender.

The nature of the virtual currencies has presented African central banks with huge challenges. The scary thing is that, while central banks have no control or monitoring capacity over virtual currencies, virtual currencies have the potential to cause distortions in financial systems and create social problems. Should the platforms that hold or exchange virtual currencies collapse, there is no recourse or protection that governments can offer to their citizens.

The headaches presented to African central banks are that transactions in cryptocurrencies are susceptible to abuse by money launderers, tax evaders, criminals and terrorist organizations. Virtual currencies, therefore, thwart, to an extent, efforts by central banks in combating illicit financial transactions. 

source: African Business Magazine

2019 Young Professional Program (The World Bank Group) – Call for Application

The African Chamber of Commerce (AFCHAM) was built with youth dynamism being its centerpiece.  AFCHAM Youth Empowerment Program was launched with the aim to give youths the skills they need in order to reveal their full potentials in all walks of life and with particular emphasis on business related skills. Through the program, talented youths are detected, nurtured, placed strategically to run AFCHAM missions or simply let go in case they want to stand on their own feet.

We are partners of The World Bank Group (WBG) with which on the 2nd June, 2017 we organized a conference on Global Job Opportunities for International Students in China where over 40 postgraduate students attended.

Today, we are glad to inform you that the application for the 2019 Selection Process for the Young Professionals Program is open from June 14 to July 31, 2018 (midnight EST).

Do you have a passion for international development and the leadership potential to grow in fascinating top technical and managerial roles in the World Bank Group (WBG)?

So then, don’t miss this unique opportunity allowing you to start an exciting career at the World Bank Group.

To be competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability. For the eligibility, program features, selection cycle, and application process visit the link below:

Today is time to create your Future!








Casablanca Finance City spreads it wings

Casablanca Finance City (CFC) was officially launched in December 2010 as a financial and economic hub from which to drive investment into Africa.

Today there are 150 companies operating from the centre and it is estimated that 74% of Moroccan FDI and investment flows into Africa originate from CFC. There has been a flurry of activity around Africa-bound investments in London in recent times.

DLA Piper, a member of the CFC, organised an investor day to make the case for African opportunities to its clients while the Casablanca Stock Exchange hosted a Morocco investment day at the London Stock Exchange. Although the events were not related, they illustrate the continued appetite for emerging and frontier markets.

Attending the DLA Piper event, Manal Bernoussi, CFC’s Strategy and Marketing Director, said that although it was encouraging to see considerable investment interest in the UK, this has not been translated sufficiently into actual deals. Investments so far, Bernoussi says, are small by global standards.

Of the 150 companies operating in CFC, 40% are European groups but of those, only five companies are British. “If we are to drive capital to our economies,” she says, “one way of stimulating the flow of capital is to get international partners to be closer to the market, which is the appeal of CFC.”

Like the DIFC in Dubai, the CFC is providing modern infrastructure and facilities in a 100ha site, of which 50% is devoted to green spaces. The first tower is about to be completed and will start receiving its first tenants before the end of the year.

But it is much more than that and the CFC has a clear focus. To be granted CFC certification and to become a member, companies have to show a clear African orientation, she says. “Not any company can just come and set up in the CFC. You have to produce a business plan to prove that part of your business and investments are geared towards Africa.”

Companies targeted by CFC are typically involved in: financial services (except retail banking); professional services (law firms, accountants etc); African holdings; or are regional headquarters of multinationals. CFC members include a number of international institutions such as BNP Paribas, Boston Consulting Group, AIG and a number of fund managers, law firms and banking institutions.

CFC also hosts the Africa 50 Fund, a fund launched by the African Development Bank to accelerate investments in infrastructure by mobilising public and private sector capital. It is an ecosystem that she believes will help create movement to drive investment into Africa.

Clustering in expertise

When asked if companies within the CFC would be able to tap into the larger balance sheets of Moroccan banks for project and trade finance, Bernoussi says that’s not the objective. Instead she contends that the CFC will become a truly successful platform if it can help channel more capital from the North (Europe and the Americas), from Asia and from other markets into Africa. Right now, she says, Africa represents less than 5% of global FDI flows.

She is confident that clustering in organisations that have a clear African mandate and focus will help accelerate and increase investment flows to Africa and also create a critical mass of expertise and partners to work more closely together. “We are creating a cluster of skills and knowledge, an ecosystem of bankers and professional services, who are setting base camp in the CFC. If you are serious about investing in Africa you need to be in Africa,” she adds.

The CFC offers some clear advantages to investors. Members benefit from streamlined administrative processes, the accompanying physical infrastructure (currently in the final stages of completion) and also fiscal benefits, but the real added value will be in gathering African investors to share ideas and information.

To this end, the CFC is organising workshops and commissioning papers on sectors and countries, to be compiled by experts through their partners. These will be made available to the members.

Leader in green finance

The CFC wants to position itself as a leader in sustainable and green finance. Africa, says Bernoussi, is the most vulnerable continent when it comes to climate change but it also has the biggest potential in green finance. “We’ve managed to bring in funds focusing on green investments, companies such as Global Nexus or Finance in Motion. Expertise will come from members of the community, and raising awareness through events.”

The organisation also wants to become a regional hub for Islamic finance (Bahrain leads in the Middle East and Malaysia in
Asia). The way to do it, Bernoussi says, is by crowding in other partners in this sector and again creating expertise and know-how clusters.

Casablanca Finance City has been ranked the number one African financial centre since 2015 by the Global Financial Centres Index, a UK-based think-tank. This is a major achievement for the CFC because the rating not only considers the ease of doing business and other international and well-known indicators but also because it seeks feedback and viewpoints from international players in financial services.

Bernoussi does not see the CFC in terms of competing with African financial centres but rather as responding to the need to strengthen and create stronger financial centres across the continent. “Africa will need multiple financial centres to serve the continent,” she says. In an interconnected world, these will have to work together in the same way that CFC has already partnered with others, such as the financial centre in Astana (for Islamic Banking), the City of London (on derivatives, insurance and real estate) or Paris (on financial innovation).

She says that Morocco’s re-entry into the AU and also more recently, the ECOWAS regional economic community, has helped the cause. This is critical because, without greater regional integration, the scale demanded by investors is simply not there.

This is why the CFC is partnering with African investment promotion agencies. For example, Yewande Sadiku from the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission was in Morocco in March to help establish stronger ties between CFC members and Nigerian partners and share information and data on opportunities and the projects seeking investments.

“We’re a truly African financial center. Our members cover 46 countries in Africa,” Bernoussi says. She adds that without the continent coming together and creating these clusters of know-how and expertise where different stakeholders pool together, investment flows will remain insufficient to transform the continent.

source: Africa Business Magazine

AFCHAM Celebrates the 2018 Edition of Africa Day

For the first time since its creation in 2015, The African Chamber of Commerce (AFCHAM) celebrated Africa Day with a Gala Dinner with African Taste. The 3-hour event took place on Friday May 25th in Fairmont Peace Hotel at The Bund, downtown Shanghai and brought together over 120 high profile guests including Diplomats from African countries in Shanghai, 6 renown chambers of commerce in Shanghai, senior management staff from top companies, representatives of state level economic zones in China, media professionals, friends and well wishers of AFCHAM.

It was exactly 7 o’clock pm Beijing time when the MC Sam Onanda announced the opening of the gala night. After introducing the program, the hall was filled with applause as the first African dance group, Kubatana emerged from the dressing room and made their way to the stage. The group, made up of four acrobatic traditional African dancers thrilled the guests with their well-choreographed dance steps and rhythmic drumbeats while hundreds of photo shots were taken. They served a true taste of Africa.

The next item on the agenda was the welcome address by the Chairperson of the African Chamber of Commerce D. Nkwetato Tamonkia. The speech lasted for 10 minutes. He explained the significance of Africa Day, dwelled on AFCHAM’s achievements, invited more companies and organizations to “get on board the AFCHAM boat” and thanked all who had made it to the gala night before inviting everyone to rise to a symbolic toast marking the celebration of Africa Day under the theme “Celebrating Africa Rising, Rise with us!”.  You can download a copy of the Chairperson’s speech at this link. Click here.Africa Day speech

Then the chefs at Fairmont Peace Hotel served Smoked Tomato Soup, Focaccia Bread as appetizer. The main course was Oven Baked Argentinean Tenderloin, Herbs Potato Mousseline and Seasonal Vegetables. The main course was followed by dessert, Peace Hotel Cheese Cake and Berries Coulis. Alongside fine South African wine the guests savored the food while listening to classic African music from veteran African musicians like Manu Dibango.


Other African dance groups took to the stage before other presentations were made. Ismail Sidqui presented Morocco as an AFCHAM recommended travel destination.  The AMANI project, initiated by AFCHAM was also presented. It is a project that will facilitate the importation of fresh farm produce as well as other raw materials from Africa to China for local consumption.


Yingke Global received a certificate of recognition for their tremendous support to AFCHAM. The Chairperson of AFCHAM handed over the certificate on stage to Miss Vietnam who was one of the guests of honor at the gala. She in turn handed the certificate to Dr. Marco Pearman Parish, the president of Yingke Global, one of the largest law firms in Asia’s Pacific. Mr. Pearman is the CEO of Corporation China and the Global CEO of EQI Bank. The award ceremony was one of the most photographed highlights of the evening.

The Director of Operations at AFCHAM, Mr. Jilles Djon took to the stage and presented the philanthropy arm of AFCHAM in which several projects especially in the education sector have been carried out in African localities like Somaliland in East Africa. He appealed to people to contribute towards the building of schools in Africa. “One way of contributing was to buy African paintings” available at the gala. A famous Togolese painter Fiefonou Atsou Bernard Akouete made the paintings. They will be on display in Shanghai in the months ahead for art lovers.

In his closing remarks, Chairman D. Nkwetato thanked everyone who had made it to the gala night. He lauded efforts made by Chamber staff to make sure the event was a success. He gave special thanks to Chamber staff like Miss. Khaoula Houssini, Project Manager, Ismail Sidqui, Business Developer, the hotel staff and all who had worked for the successful organization of the event.

It was 10 o’clock when the curtain fell. People were tipsy. Some were itching to party some more. Voices were loud. There was mingling. Many exchanged business cards and posed for photo shoots. Hotel staff hurriedly cleaned up the tables as people picked up their belongings and called for cabs to take them home on a rainy Friday night that brought a true feeling of Africa to the heart of Shanghai.


Burkina Faso on track for GDP growth of around 6 % this year: IMF

Burkina Faso’s economy is on track to grow by around 6 percent this year, in line with the last two years’ average, the International Monetary Fund said in a statement on Monday.

Burkina Faso’s economy expanded by more than 6 percent per year on average during 2016-2017, showing considerable resilience in the face of security and weather-related shocks.

‘‘This performance reflects considerable resilience in the face of external shocks, notably three significant terrorist attacks in Ouagadougou over the last two years and a deteriorating security situation in the border regions in the north, as well as poor rainfall in 2017, which threatens food security in the country,’‘ said Dalia Hakura, who led the IMF team that visited Burkina Faso.


The West African nation, which agreed a programme with the Fund in March, will meanwhile aim to reduce its fiscal deficit to 3 percent of GDP by 2019 after it ballooned to an unprecedented 7.7 percent last year.

Reporting by Joe Bavier;

Business forum in Senegal promotes African female entrepreneurs

Africa has the highest number of women entrepreneurs but they face more hurdles on the way to business success than their male counterparts.

Maty Ndiaye a Senegalese businesswoman founded Kaya, a shop in Dakar selling clothes, toys and products for children.

But the business stalled when she needed funding to grow and Ndiaye was forced to shut down her store due to lack of capital.

Like many entrepreneurs on the continent, access to resources and opportunities are limited, and even more so for women.

“I wanted to borrow 5 million with a micro financing body and they asked me to bring the 5 million, to put it in an account as a guarantee and afterwards they would lend me 5 million. I found that outrageous. So, it’s really hard when we want to develop our business and we need money to inject in the business, it’s really hard to get access to that type of financing,” she said.


However, a new networking initiative founded by French businesswoman, Aude De Thui is determined to change that.

Women In Africa (WIA) is an organisation that aims to support and fund businesses led or managed by African women.

The group recently held its first regional Summit in Dakar, bringing together over 180 women entrepreneurs from 15 different countries.

WIA recently held a Women’s Forum in Senegal, with specific focus on the challenges and solutions faced by African female entrepreneurs like Ndiaye.

“Women suffer today because they don’t get enough support, enough guardiancies and they don’t have access to financing. And women forums are often about well-being or personal themes. I participate in economic summits because I want to put women back in the economy and give them a voice because they inspire trust and also because the world needs to focus on Africa,” De Thuy said.

Speakers and experts were also on hand to give master classes and share their business experiences, as well as putting women in touch with investors and helping them pitch their ideas.

“By participating in this forum, it has allowed me to believe in myself more but in particular to believe in the woman that I can become, like these women leaders that I have met and with whom I took a lot of pleasure talking to and exchanging with,” said 17-year-old Fatou Khouleh Wade, who dreams of being a railroad engineer.

Ndiaye says the forum helped her find at least five new clients. More importantly she found out about funding sources she was unaware of before the forum.

She said she hopes to invest new money and inject new energy into her business so that she can re-open the shop and grow.

Source: Michael Ike Dibie with Reuters