Tanzania: Aircrafts Triple At Newly Renovated Dodoma Airport

By Sifa Lubasi

Dodoma — Aircrafts landing daily at Dodoma Airport have tripled to nine from the normal three following completion of expansion works on the runway, Airport Manager Mr Julius Mlungwa has said.

He said the completion of the works early this month has allowed more flights to land at the semi-arid region and the country's designated capital, lowering airfare to passengers. "The airport expansion works are complete by 100 percent.

We are now finalising putting mark-points," he said. Mr Mlungwa said, for long, air travelers, including tour agents, businesspeople, government officers, leaders, international organisation representatives and ordinary people, had been complaining about escalating airfares to and from Dodoma.

"We had only two flights, Auric Air and Flight Link. They were both 13-seaters and fare stood at 495,000/- for single ticket from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.

It was not easy for an ordinary person to use air transport," he said. Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA) Engineer Mbila Mdemu who was in charge of the expansion project said the last renovation works at Dodoma Airport was done in 1976.

He said there was a feasibility study conducted in 2005 to expand the runway but the expansion were not undertaken due to limited financial resources. "President John Magufuli ordered expansion of the runway with other related services before August.

We have managed to complete all the requirement," he told reporters here yesterday. Dodoma Assistant Apron, Mr Emmanuel Kisumo admitted that despite additional numbers, now the airport is accommodating up to 90-seaters aircrafts.

The new expansion work involved 2.5 kilometre runway and a 500m lighting area for airplane safety during takeoff and landing.