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Paris Economic Forum


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    Ethiopia selected to host 2020 World Economic Forum

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020 will be hosted in Ethiopia, as the Eastern African nation hopes to attract more investment.

    The announcement was made following a meeting between Ethiopia’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed and Prof Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of WEF.

    The office of the prime minister said the two leaders discussed the importance of a collaborative approach among government, the private sector and civil societies in addressing key global challenges

    Abiy Ahmed attended the WEF 2019 meeting held in Davos, Switzerland, where he met several business leaders before heading to Belgium.

    PM Abiy Ahmed courts investors

    Abiy Ahmed, who has championed reforms since taking office in April last year, called upon investors in Davos to take advantage of the huge business opportunities available in the country.

    Reiterating Ethiopia’s plans to liberalize the previously state-controlled sectors of telecommunications, banking, and aviation among others, Abiy Ahmed pledged to do more to make it easier to do business for anyone planning to invest in Ethiopia.

    “In order to enforce our up word trajectory and achieve even more rapid and sustainable growth, Ethiopia has embarked on a comprehensive reform process since last April,” he said.

    Credits to Daniel Mumbere


    One of the biggest challenges for International postgraduate students is the inability to find the right job and occupation in China after the terms of their studies meaning that they have most of the cases leave their Chinese dream and go back to their countries. Our aim is to provide an useful orientation according to the case of the postgraduate student in terms of networking and empowerment.

    There are different cases of students taking part of study programs in China that once they arrived in the country they realise that the study program they are taking is far from their expectations. AFCHAM provides counselling services to address students with the right study program and support.

    Young skilled and educated people aiming to become entrepreneurs and start their own business in China, most of the time are limited because of the lack of knowledge on the legal procedures they have to go through to become entrepreneurs in China.

    Which solutions we provide?

    Youth Empowerment and Orientation through panel discussions with influential and skilled advisors who are experts of the Education system and Entrepreneurialism. We believe that through the networking with outstanding companies and highly-qualified profiles we create the basis for a better community in which youth which represent the growth and prosperity of a society is empowered.

    Benefits for participants

    – Having the right orientation according to their own case.
    – Having the chance to enlarge their networking and to learn from the experience of concrete case studies.
    – Receiving support and counselling service for studies and Visa regulations.
    – Having the chance to meet experts of the education system and entrepreneurial world and get addressed by them on the right path to take.
    – Having the chance to leave your CV that will be collected and inserted in our database to then being provided to our partners.
    – Having the chance to meet HR managers and executives from different influential companies.
    – For active participants there is a chance to get a Certificate of Youth Empowerment that they can add in their CVs.

    Benefits for partners

    – Promote their brand and bring visibility of their business and services.
    – Having the chance to enlarge their networking with different companies and university partners of AFCHAM.
    – Having the chance to meet high-skilled and educated profiles.
    – Contributing in empowering young people and providing an orientation through which youth can reach their highest potential.
    – Having the chance to meet HR managers and executives from different influential companies.


    The Lagardere-CAF-AFCHAM Workshop

    Lagardere Afcham workshop

    Lagardere Afcham workshop in Shanghai.Workshop on The Passion and unlimited opportunities of African Football in Shanghai. organized By Lagardere, the Confederation of African Football , AFCHAM

    The Passion and Unlimited Opportunities of African Football

    Date: Monday, 12th February 2018 at 2: 00 – 5: 00 pm
    Venue: 5F, Building D, Orient International Mansion, 85 LouShanGuan Road, ChangNing District, Shanghai

    Event Description

    Africa is the second largest continent in the world, with a population of over 1.1 billion, second to Asia and will grow up to over 2 billion in the next 30 years. In the past decade, the middle-class in Africa increased 60%, while 27 countries in this continent are already ranked as middle-income countries. This number will increase to 40 by 2025. Africa has become the perfect spot for market exploration and investments.
    Football, the most fascinating sport in Africa, has attracted millions of fans across the continent, with their love for the sport deeply rooted since childhood, which makes football the best way to open the market in Africa.
    Mr. Idriss Akki, will be giving a talk on the Development of Football in Africa – major events, football clubs, players and developing business in the African Market via football.

    Keynote Speaker

    Mr. Idriss Akki, President of Lagardère Sports’ football business in Africa. Since 1994, Mr. Idriss Akki has been responsible for the development of sponsorship and media rights for the Confederation of African Football (CAF) all over the world in Lagardère Sports. And he was named one of the most influential persons in African football by French Football magazine in 2015. Mr. Idriss Akki is recognized for the significant contribution he has made to maintaining Lagardère Sports’s leading position in African football and under his leadership, Lagardère Sports is committed to keeping its collaboration by working hand in hand with CAF for the promotion of African football around the world.

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      African Growth & Opportunities Conference- Beijing 2016

      The Chinese government has pledged to invest in clean energy, environmentally friendly agriculture and smart city construction. On November 30, The AFCHAM will bring together experts, decision-makers, government officials to share their perspectives…

      Daan Roggeveen

      Architect, MORE Architecture

      Daan Roggeveen is an architect based at MORE Architecture in Shanghai, a multidisciplinary design office working internationally. MORE is currently involved in projects in China, Holland and Ghana with a planned extension for Accra, Ghana. Since graduating from Delft University of Technology in architecture and real estate, Roggeveen has extensively researched African and Chinese Urbanization releasing numerous research papers and a book in 2011 titled How the City Moved to Mr Sun- China’s New Megacities. Beyond that, Roggeveen has lectured on a regular basis and has co- founded the Go West Project. The Go West Project is a think tank focusing on emerging megacities.

      Laid Sahraoui

      Global Marketing Director, GCL System Integration

      Laid Sahraoui is GCL System Integration’s global marketing director. He is passionate about renewable and sustainable energy and puts this into actions through creativity and social values. Sahraoui has previously worked for Distri-elec as the Chief Marketing Officer; promoting unique hybrid containerized solar systems for African counties. Further, as General Manager for CP-Solar, Sahraoui lead the company to achieve tremendous growth for small and medium size turnkey solar solutions with extensive media campaigns, exhibitions and product strategy. He has spent almost a decade in China dedicating himself to this field. Sahraoui holds a masters degree from INSEEC group, majoring in marketing, finance and international trade.

      Mathias Bienvenu Nyeck

      Expert Consultant

      Mathias Bienvenu Nyeck is Expert Consultant, specializing in Public Management, Decentralization & Local Development. He holds a postgraduate degree in Public Administration from Paris-Dauphine University and is a former student of the Institute of Political studies in Paris. He is the Founder of Africa Local Development (ADL), an association that works for the promotion of Decentralization and economic development of Local Authorities (Towns, Cities, and Regions). Expert Accredited with the Ministry of Public Contracts, he regularly participates in the commissions of analysis of the markets that it is in the field of the infrastructures as in that of the supplies, goods and services..

      Bruno Lhopiteau

      Managing Director, Siveco China

      Bruno Lhopiteau is the founder of Siveco china, the country’s largest maintenance consultancy firm and a pioneer in the development of Maintenance 4.0 technologies, with a focus on mobile solutions ‘for the worker of tomorrow’. As an 18-year veteran of the Chinese maintenance market, Lhopiteau also sits on the board of several companies with plant and building engineering in China and lectures on Industrial Risk Management at the Sino-European School of Technology of Shanghai University.

      Ada Shiferaw


      Ada Shiferaw born in Ethiopia moved to china Beijing summer of 2009 to pursue bachelor’s degree in law. After completing law degree at Renmin university of china proceeded to work at Chinese academy of agricultural and sciences. Passionate about Africa china relations, working at CAAMS was a natural fit. Grateful of china’s interest in working with Africa’s development, Ada makes sure to connect the best projects with the right investors to bring the best possible outcome for both sides.

      Buyambo Mantashe

      Agro-Business Entrepreneur

      Buyambo Mantashe is a South African businessman that has interest in the agricultural sector. He is a farmer that has diversified interests in the sector from cattle and sheep breeding mainly for beef as well as mutton production. He is also involved in the poultry industry through production. He also is a shareholder in Claremont farming which is a company that runs a chain of abattoirs in South Africa, which is looking to expand into other African countries through the construction, and running of abattoirs. Lastly he is current enrolled at China Agricultural University completing his Masters in Agricultural Economics

      Accès aux marchés économiques et commerciaux dans la région des Caraïbes à partir de la Guyane française.

      Un des buts de l’AFCHAM  est de faciliter, hors de la Chine, la participation de sociétés privées chinoises d’ingénierie financière et d’investissements à la réalisation de grands travaux en Afrique, en Europe ainsi que dans la zone des Caraïbes et de la Méso Amérique.
      Dans les Caraïbes, zone géographique où Emmanuel Argo1 est en charge de coordonner des initiatives, la Guyane française  offre une série d’opportunités pour des projets destinés à l’amélioration de son développement économique et commercial.
      Par ailleurs elle offre un accès direct à un marché commercial constitué par les populations des pays avoisinants qui représentent plus de 39 millions d’habitants. De plus, ces pays sont membres de l’Association des États de la Caraïbe (AEC)  qui rassemble plus largement les États et territoires riverains de la Mer des Caraïbes et compte plus de 243 millions d’habitants (sources INSEE Antilles Guyane).
      Quel que soit le périmètre pris en compte, la région des Caraïbes présente un marché d’une grande diversité de langues, d’influences culturelles, de statuts et modèles d’institutions politiques. La France en est membre, au titre de ses  régions franco-européennes d’outre-mer que sont la Guadeloupe, la Guyane et la Martinique.

      Afin de mettre en perspective des partenaires du développement économique et commercial de la Guyane, l’AFCHAM organise une conférence internationale le 10 décembre 2016 à Shanghai.
      Seront présentes des sociétés Chinoises de premier plan et étrangères spécialisées dans l’expertise de contrats dits  publics-privés et le montage de financements pour la réalisation de grands projets internationaux hors de la Chine, ainsi que des groupes bancaires européens présents tant en Asie que dans le reste du monde.
      Participeront également des sociétés du BTP international ainsi que d’autres prestataires de services spécialistes dans la réalisation de grands travaux.
      Des entreprises expertes dans l’habitat et les infrastructures  présenteront leurs expériences.
      Seront aussi présentes, des sociétés  spécialisées dans  la création de zones franches et EPZ (Export Processing Zone) désireuses de s’implanter en Guyane pour  développer dans les Caraïbes et au delà, l’exportation de productions chinoises

      Pour information,  la  Guyane zone géographique  Franco-Européenne d’Outre-mer est considérée  comme un atout économique et stratégique doté de personnels locaux disposant d’un bon niveau de qualification professionnelle.
      Les concepteurs d’EPZ pourront entraîner  dans leur sillage des entreprises chinoises de secteurs comme : la confection, la fabrication de petits matériels et outillage, pêcheries et transformation, sylviculture, bio agriculture etc désireuses, de délocaliser pour produire hors de la Chine, sous label  ‘‘Made in France or in Europe’’.

      Certains projets lancés pourront s’appuyer de façon complémentaire, sur  les dispositions économiques et financières prévues par les Accords de Paris lors de la  COP 21 récemment ratifiés par la Chine et sur des aides financières disponibles auprès d’instances internationales (U.N. , P.N.U.D. etc…)
      Pour le suivi de cette conférence et la mise en place de partenariats, dès le début de l’année 2017, différentes réunions pourront se tenir en Guyane.
      1Emmanuel Argo
      Conseiller  International ex officio de l’AFCHAM China pour la zone des Caraïbes. D’origine Afro- Caribéenne, est né en France. Bénéficiant d’une large expérience internationale, Il a enseigné en université, le droit de la Communauté Européenne et élaboré au titre de la Société Civile de nombreuses recommandations auprès d’instances internationales et consultatives : Organisations des Nations Unies, Comité Economique et Social Européen, Commonwealth,  G8 et G20. Il est aussi membre de Chatham House/ The Royal Institute for International Affairs en Angleterre

      Social Entrepreneurship (September 29, 2016)


      Agrius OLEME

      A social entrepreneur with 10years experience in China working with the French community on numerous humanitarian projects in China and beyond.

      His Project

      In Cameroon his native country, he is the co-founder and promoter of FONDATION COMBI, a social entrepreneurship initiative which has empowered more than 500 women so far and involved them in various activities positively impacting their lives and entire communities.



      • “The gift of a simple solar buddy light starts to actively address energy poverty and enables communities to achieve a brighter”

      Mawukoe Kodah

      Cesar Mawukoe Kodah is an entrepreneur and songwriter originally from Togo, West Africa. His entrepreneur career in business began in 2009 where he founded KIW Group with his brother. An international trading company focusing in import and export between Africa and Asia dealing primarily in product development and procurement. With most recent expansion of an office in China under the name: Star Harbor Trading (星航国际贸易(上海)有限公司)—a Shanghai based international trading and consulting company serving clients from around the world.

      His project

      Today, as part of his mission to give back to the community, partnering with BrightBeam by Doble to improve the quality of education, health, safety and economic status of all people in developing world by supplying innovative, safe, engaging and sustainable solar energy solutions. Together they run a children empowerment program with schools in developed countries—a buddy-to-buddy system where students would buy a light to gift to students living in rural off grid areas around the world. The lights have successfully been distributed to countries such as Papua New Guinea, Tibet, Rwanda, Uganda and currently in talk with several other countries such as India, Togo, Ghana, to name a few. Combining its growing popularity of the mission and Cesar’s musical talent in music—a song titled “Until The Light Comes” will soon illuminate many other rural communities in Globally.




      Land of African Business Forum

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      The Land of African Business is a place of  dialogue and network gathering decision makers and entrepreneurs committed to an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through innovation. Founded in 2014 by Eric Bazin, reporter, former editor in chief and founder of the Planet workshops, the LAB is a think tank aiming to build another perspective of “Africas”, pushing the reflection and work for the mutation of the societies through sustainable and inclusive development models, growth sharing and harmony between populations. It puts business and innovation at the core of the debate, joining together economic, media, social, cultural, associative and political personalities with a cross-disciplinary approach focused on partnership spirit. After a successful first edition last year during COP21, with over 3000 participants and 40 nationalities represented, the LAB will host its yearly meeting from 19 to 23 October 2016, in Paris. Through conferences and roundtables, it will be an inescapable event, and a preamble of COP22 in Marrakech. 

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      Entrepreneurship oriented

      The LAB also hosts a competition dedicated to promising start-ups & innovation: the African Rethink Awards – ARA. This competition rewards young entrepreneurs sharing a common vision: being major actors of the Continent’s growth by focusing on societal, economic, social and environmental projects. 100 young start-ups will pitch their business model before CEOs, investors, NGOs, experts, media, and political figures… Four prizes will be awarded to the winners.


      Register here !!


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        G20 Warm up sessions

        China recently published its start up investment fund standing at $338 Billion, making it the biggest pot in the world. Beijing now boasts the world's second-largest number of most valuable tech startups. What can we make of this? And how will this shape our economies? World Economic Forum Global Shapers Shanghai ll proudly presents this summer's third G20 warm up session on INNOVATION together with Slush Shanghai and African Chamber of Commerce. .


        Join us to hear the stories of entrepreneurship and open innovation through three different angles and take part in the discussions on how China could harvest this to collaborate globally

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          NexTV CEO AFRICA 2016-HILTON MAURITIUS RESORT-2016.9.29-30


          The TV/Telco Business in Africa is facing numerous challenges and players in the industry are exploring new avenues and strategies to adapt to the evolving TV, video and music ecosystem.

          Over 2 days, Dataxis gathers Executives at a leading conference that opens debate on new business models & regulatory issues and reinforces relationships between service providers, telecom operators, regulators, content providers and distributors, producers, value aggregators and technology providers.

          Don’t miss this opportunity to capture the new trends of Africa TV, Video and Music business!