Cameroun : Paul Biya plaide pour l’élaboration de projets de co-développement avec le Nigéria

(Agence Ecofin) – Au cours de la visite qu’il vient d’achever au Nigéria, le chef de l’Etat camerounais, Paul Biya, a invité son homologue nigérian, le président Buhari, à œuvrer pour la mise en place de projets de co-développement impliquant leurs deux pays. «Nous savons, en effet, que le sous-développement, c’est-à-dire la pauvreté et l’ignorance, favorisent les entreprises de mouvements terroristes tels que Boko Haram. C’est pourquoi, Monsieur le Président, Cher Frère, je crois qu’il serait utile, pour commencer, d’élaborer des projets de co-développement dans nos régions frontalières parfois délaissées», a plaidé Paul Biya, qui répondait alors au toast prononcé le 3 mai dernier à son endroit par le Président Buhari.

Poursuivant dans sa lancée, le chef de l’Etat camerounais a indiqué les secteurs dans lesquels cette coopération bilatérale peut être plus bénéfique pour les populations camerounaise et nigériane. «Des projets agricoles et d’infrastructures pourraient être envisagés en commun. Il faudra pour cela raccorder nos réseaux routiers (ce qui est en cours), fournir de l’énergie électrique (ce que le Cameroun pourra faire à moyen terme) et y implanter des infrastructures sociales», a précisé le chef de l’Etat camerounais.


Best Fruits番茄酱生产线投入生产

上周,津巴布韦农业农村发展局长Basil Nyabadza 先生表示,Best Fruits Processors,作为津巴布韦Schweppes公司旗下的拜特布里奇榨汁有限公司和农业农村发展局的合资企业,正式启动其番茄酱生产线。该公司今年1月开始了工厂的试运营,生产芒果和番石榴,现在其番茄酱生产线已经全面投入生产,产品主要用于出口。
Best Fruits Processors在当地金融机构的帮助下,将协助合约农民进口种子,秧苗,化学物品,肥料,以及为他们提供技术上的支持。

Best Fruits commences tomato paste line

Best Fruits Processors, a joint venture between Schweppes Zimbabwe’s 100% owned Beitbridge Juicing Co and the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority has commenced its tomato paste line, ARDA chairman Mr Basil Nyabadza said last week. The company started a trial run of the plant in January this year, processing mango and guava and has now gone into full scale production of tomato paste, mainly for export market.
The company, which was revived following injections of $2,4 million is expected to generate $4,6 million in revenue this year. The overall market share for the business was expected to grow in the nest five years, largely driven by exports, which will contribute 88 percent of revenue in the next five years, according to the company.
BFP, with the help of the local financial institutions, will be assisting contracted farmers with inputs of seeds, seedlings, chemicals, fertilizers, as well as some technical support.


津巴布韦能源部长Samuel Undenge表示,赞比亚和津巴布韦计划在两国接壤处投资50亿建巴托卡峡水电站,并将于2023年之前开始发电产能,预计发电成本将低于太阳能和火力发电。



Batoka Gorge hydropower to be ready by 2023-Zimbabwean Minister

Zimbabwean Energy Minister Samuel Undenge says the $5 billion Batoka Gorge hydropower project Zambia and Zimbabwe plan to build on their shared border could start producing by 2023 and will generate electricity at a cheaper cost than solar or coal.
He said in an interview in Maputo, Mozambique’s capital that the two southern African nations will complete a feasibility study into the project by July, with construction due to start next year.
Zambia and Zimbabwe both face severe power shortages as years of under-investment are amplified by low water levels at the Kariba dam hydropower station that they each rely on for about half of total supplies. Batoka Gorge will produce 2,400 megawatts, about 30 percent more than Kariba, which is the world’s largest man-made reservoir by capacity.







NRZ courts mining partners

The National Railways of Zimbabwe owns a significant stake in Pan African Minerals Development Company in South Africa, and it’s currently courting partners in order to start its exploration of its mineral assets in South Africa.

The state-owned railway company is currently struggling due to lack of capital and dilapidated infrastructure and equipment.

The under-performance of the NRZ has had wider ramifications for other economic players in sectors such as industry, mining and agriculture as firms have shifted their bulk business into haulage truck which is more costly.

Pan-African Mining was supposed to prospect a variety of minerals, including gold, coal, diamond and platinum.






Government lift ban on maize export after verification of stocks

Government has lifted the ban it imposed last week on the export of maize after a physical verification revealed that the nation has enough stocks to last until August.

Government suspended maize exports to curb local shortages pending the verification of available stocks. The government was concerned that steep price increases were being caused by smuggling of the grain to neighbouring Malawi and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The country has continued to face mealie meal shortages despite the government continued assurances that the country has enough maize to feed the nation.



2016年4月,公关部长Faith Muthambi(图片)在议会中表示,这项法案将会威胁到价值约4亿兰特(合2760多万美元)的广告市场。这是酒精类产品公司在产品促销,社会活动和赞助中的投资总额。


除了公关部长对此项法案发表了看法,体育部和文化部对此也表示了担心。体育文化活动在年轻人当中很受欢迎 ,但政府认为,在这些领域宣传推销酒精类产品有害公众健康,特别是年轻人的健康。