









中国,多年来,都不是国际货币基金组织或世界银行的成员。近年来,中国才对世界开放它的经济市场。对于布雷顿森林机构(世界银行及国际货币基金组织)而言,去年11月是一个重要的转折点,它们批准中国现行货币,元,作为影响全球金融市场的储备货币。在宣布决定之际,国际货币基金组织的常务董事,Christine Lagarde,称该决定为“中国经济融入国际金融体系的一个重要的里程碑。”



坦桑尼亚银行的主管人员,Benno Ndulu教授,在近期由非洲东南部财务管理研究所举办的论坛,对媒体称“根据国际经济的现在情势,坦桑尼亚在国际债券市场的参与,应更多地着重在中国货币上。”在与中国这个经济巨人的贸易往来中,坦桑尼亚保留百分之五的外汇储备。坦桑尼亚银行的主管人员呢称“根据国际货币基金组织近期将人民币作为储备货币的巨鼎,我们在人民币上保留百分之五的外汇,是一项正确的决定。人民币在国际股票市场交易中成为了最重要的外汇。在国际债券市场上,我们以往的经验告诉我们,我们从与人民币的贸易往来中受益良多。”

通过该项决定,人民币与美元、欧元、日元、瑞士法郎及英镑一起,成为国际货币基金组织用以国际储备资产的货币。非洲东南部财务管理研究所执行者,Caleb Fundanga,称,非洲东南部的国家都应更加重视与中国的贸易,以便在国际市场上获取更多的贸易机会。他称,中国是世界上最大的购买力平价经济体。这位亚洲巨人,通过削减进口资源,在非洲经济中扮演着不可或缺的角色。

IMF Recommends VAT For Angola

Angola should introduce a value-added tax (VAT) to complement the recently adopted non-oil tax reform, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said.

The long-awaited non-oil tax reform was approved by the National Assembly on July 4, 2014. The IMF welcomed the package as a “crucial step toward reducing the budget’s heavy reliance on oil revenue.”

After running a surplus over the last four years, the authorities expect an overall fiscal deficit of about four percent of GDP in 2014, reflecting a ten percent decline in oil revenue during the first quarter of 2014. “While this is unlikely to be a permanent phenomenon, significant steps have been taken in non-oil tax reform under the recently approved fiscal legislation aimed at diversifying the sources of non-oil revenues,” the IMF said.

The reform included the adoption of three laws: the general tax code, the tax procedure code, and the tax collection code. In addition, changes to personal and corporate income taxes were introduced to boost consumption and investment.

The corporate income tax rate was reduced from 35 to 30 percent, while the personal income tax threshold was increased to a monthly income of 34,450 kwanza (USD353), from 25,000. At the same time, the tax base was expanded by closing loopholes. A partial tax amnesty for some tax debts prior to December 2012 was also approved.

“Staff welcomes the recent approval of the core decrees comprising the non-oil tax reform. The approval of this legislation should be followed by improvements in the tax and customs administrations to fully realize the potential for higher non-oil revenue collections. A value added tax (VAT) could also be introduced in due course and, if implemented diligently, would provide more stable revenue for the budget, thus reducing the dependency on oil revenue and shielding the budget better from oil revenue volatility,” the IMF concluded.

Africa: The Truth About China-Africa Ties

Dar es Salaam — Many people believe that the growing influence of China on the Tanzanian economy and global politics is a new phenomenon. Last week, the Chinese Cultural Centre in Dar es Salaam provided a case study to prove otherwise.

In fact, at one time, around 618 AD, China was indeed a global economic power, specialising in silk trade.

Thousands of years ago, the people of East Africa, for example, used to trade with China, mainly in silk and porcelain, according to a recent report released by the Chinese embassy in the city.

The only difference is the manner in which trade between Tanzania and other African countries is conducted under the present economic conditions.

China, for many years, was not a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. It only opened up its economy to the world in recent years.

Last November marked a turning point with the Bretton Woods Institutions (World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund), approving the Chinese currency, yuan, as one of the reserve currencies influencing the global financial market.

At the time of announcing the decision, Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director, was quoted as saying that the decision is “an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system”.

A senior officer at the Dar es Salaam-based Chinese Cultural Centre, Mr Gao Wei, said recently Beijing’s economic power could be traced back to the Tang dynasty, between 618 and 907 AD.

“During that period, Chinese porcelain was always at the centre of world cultural communication, and was the most loved, admired and widely imitated product in the world,” reads part of report which the Centre circulated to the media recently. Trade in Chinese silk and porcelain between the people of East Africa lasted for thousands of years before the slave trade era and coming of colonialists, according to experts.

This implies that the acceptance of the yuan by the IMF to join other five currencies as global reserve currencies is the re-emergence of the old glory of Chinese power in global trade, according to Mr Wei.

Speaking to the media on the sidelines of a recent forum organised by the Financial Management Institute for Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI), Bank of Tanzania (BoT) governor, Prof Benno Ndulu said Tanzania’s participation in the international bonds market should focus more on the Chinese currency, a.k.a renminbi, because of the current state of the global economy.

Tanzania now keeps five per cent of foreign exchange reserves to harness trade opportunities from the giant Chinese economy.

The BoT governor says: “Following the decision by the IMF to approve the yuan as one of the reserve currencies, we have done the right decision to keep five per cent of our foreign currencies’ reserve in yuan. Yuan has become the most important foreign currencies in international stock market trading. Our experience has shown that we have benefitted much from trading in Yuan in the international bonds market.”

With that decision, the yuan joined the US dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, Swiss Franc and British pound in the list of currencies the IMF uses as an international reserve asset, according to the BoT governor.

MEFMI executive director Caleb Fundanga says countries of Eastern and Southern Africa must focus more on trading with China to gain more from international trade. China, he notes, is now the world’s largest economy on a purchasing-power-parity basis. The Asian giant roiled a significant part of the African economy by cutting back on resource imports.



谈及昨日于达累斯萨拉姆国际贸易博览会发行的高端服务,portal-Kupatana.com网站负责电商的代理经理Makusaro Tesha说, 网络改变了人们的态度,现在大多数人都对线上购物很感兴趣。

Tesha说, 坦桑尼亚线上购物对于已经运营了三年多的公司来说并不是一项新业务。 他解释说portal公司新开设的业务将会支持中小型公司以及商场进行在线支付。

Gift Joshua, Kupatana.com网站销售经理说:“支出费用相对而言可以接受,订阅者会看到一个广告的次数比一般而言多25次。”



Tanzania E-Commerce Growing At 50 Percent

Tanzania e-commerce is growing at an average of 50 per cent, thanks to government and stakeholders’ initiative to improve mobile data.

Speaking at the launch of premium services yesterday at the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair, online shopping portal-Kupatana.com Acting Manager, Makusaro Tesha, said access to internet is changing people’s attitude and now the majority people are gaining interest in online shopping.

According to Tesha, online shopping in Tanzania is not a new service with the company alone having more than three years of undertaking its operations. He explained that the new services launched by the portal will enable online payment processing for small and medium-sized businesses as well as marketplaces.

“The costs are relatively affordable and will enable a subscriber with an advert an advantage of 25times more than the conventional method,” said Gift Joshua, Kupatana.com Head of Marketing.

He said the firm has been registering at least 2000 advertisements daily, about 60,000 a month, allowing more customers to make online purchases from a largest range of products.

The site offers a growing portfolio of over 7,500 products, with a commitment to keep sourcing new, innovative and premium products to satisfy the needs of all its loyal customers.



随着2012—2015 计划的完成,国际货币基金组织于周一对科特迪瓦进行为期两周的访问,就新经济和金融项目与该西非国家进行洽谈。

经济和金融部长Adama Kone于周一提到“国际货币基金组织与科特迪瓦于2011年11月达成协议,预计于2015年12月完成,后延期一年。” Kone提到“超过66亿美元投入到2012—2015的计划中,该计划圆满完成了。”  “科特迪瓦经济表现良好,在2012—2015计划中保持每年9个百分点的增长,严格控制通货膨胀、预算赤字及债务问题。”




代表赞比亚政府签订条约的商务、贸易和工业部长,Margaret Mwanakatwe认为该双边贸易协定将会对两国进行的多种项目有积极影响。根据商务、贸易和工业部长常任秘书Kayula Siame在Lusaka日报的发言。

Mwanakatwe女士提到“该协议旨在促进两国贸易扩张,进一步加强经济及政治联系。” 上周在卢安达的协议签署仪式中,部长称“在促进贸易和投资中,协同合作至关重要,同时也在管理与双边贸易条约实施相关的利益上发挥重大的作用。”她驱策赞比亚进口商对该贸易条约多加以利用,同时也督促安哥拉市场与赞比亚标准局共事,确保他们的货物达到国际标准。Mwanakatwe女士说“赞比亚开发机构将向开发商提供他们所需的便利,以便更好地进入安哥拉市场” 安哥拉商业部长,Rosa Escorcio Pacavira De Matos 提到该 协议将促进贸易、市场交易及人员和货物的流通。De Matos女士同时说到该协议也将培育在两国间的公共及私人投资。




Zambia and Angola signs trade deal


ZAMBIA has signed a bilateral trade agreement with Angola to increase trade between the two countries. The trade stands at US$8 million in exports and US$175,000 in imports

The bilateral trade agreement will further exempt some products from customs duty.

Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margaret Mwanakatwe, who signed for the Zambian government, said that the bilateral trade agreement will have a positive impact on the diversification programmes being pursued by the two countries.This is according to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry permanent secretary Kayula Siame

Mrs Mwanakatwe said the agreement is designed to facilitate the expansion of trade between the two countries and further strengthen economic and political ties.

The minister said in Luanda during the signing ceremony last week that: “Synergies between trade promotion and investment promotion will be critical to harnessing the benefits associated with the implementation of the bilateral trade agreement.”

She urged Zambian exporters to take advantage of the trade agreement and the Angolan market by ensuring that their goods meet international standards and to work with the Zambia Bureau of Standards.

“The Zambia Development Agency will be on hand to provide any facilitation the exporters will require to access the Angolan market,” Mrs Mwanakatwe said.

Angola’s Minister of Commerce, Rosa Escorcio Pacavira De Matos said the agreement will enhance trade, improve market transactions and the movement of people and goods.

Ms De Matos said the agreement will also foster public and private investments between the two countries.

The agreement is intended to make Angola one of Zambia’s largest export markets and further create an opportunity for investment, competition and innovation for the private sector, thus, enhance job and wealth creation in areas such agriculture, tourism, energy and construction.

The trade agreement has provided a list of products that will be exempted from custom duty.

The agreement will further compliment other initiatives such as the development of the Lobito Corridor, which is aimed at renewal of the Benguela Railway Line which was commissioned last year.