Acacia Mining slumps into losses as export ban hits on earnings

Gold producer Acacia Mining has registered net loss of $707 million for the year ending December 31, 2017, on the back of a hefty charge on the value of its main assets in Tanzania.

As a result, Acacia has scrapped its 2017 dividend and announced that it will slash its gold production in 2018 up to 43 per cent as its Buzwagi mine transitions to processing stockpiles while Bulyanhulu, whose operations have been scaled down, solely re-processes tailings.

The company, which is majority owned by Barrick Gold, said its financial performance was significantly impacted by the post-tax non-cash impairment charge of $644 million, resulting from uncertainty in the operating environment and the ban on exporting concentrates.

The goldminer’s revenue fell by 29 per cent to $752 million over the period, as the Tanzania’s ban on export of mineral concentrates introduced in March last year hit the firm’s earnings.

Acacia said the export ban, which forced it to reduce operations at its flagship Bulyanhulu mine, resulted in about $264 million in lost revenue and a cash burn of $237 million in 2017.

“We delivered resilient operational performance during a challenging 2017, with full year gold production of 767,883 ounces at all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of $875 per ounce,” said Peter Geleta, the interim CEO of Acacia Mining.

“While Acacia Mining was impacted by events beyond our control, we took decisive action to stabilise our business and believe our operations are now well placed to deliver in 2018.”

Acacia is embroiled in a long-standing tax dispute with Tanzanian president John Magufuli’s government which accuses it of evading taxes stretching years back.

In July, Tanzania slapped Acacia with a $190 billion tax bill saying that the company owed the country $40 billion in unpaid taxes which result from under-declaring exports and $150 billion in penalties and interest.

Source: VICTOR KIPROP, The East African

Nigeria: Britain to Add Naira to List of Accepted Trade Currencies

Britain’s Export Finance Agency will add the Naira to its list of “pre-approved currencies”, allowing it to provide financing for transactions with Nigerian businesses denominated in the local currency.

The Naira will become one of three West African currencies that UK Export Finance has pre-approved for its programme of funding transactions that promote trade with Britain, it said.

Britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016, which has forced London to rethink its trade ties with the rest of the world. It has said it would start preliminary talks with India about an eventual bilateral trade deal.

The United Kingdom and the EU struck an agreement in December that opened the way for talks on future trade ties.

“This is a clear indication of how much value the UK places on its relationship with Nigeria. It will provide a firm foundation for a significant increase in trade and investment between both countries,” Reuters quoted the British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Paul Arkwright, to have said in the UK’s credit agency statement. The statement said the UK would provide up to 85 per cent of funding for projects containing a minimum of 20 per cent British content.

“The Naira financing will follow the same structure as someone buying in sterling, except that Nigerian firms taking out a loan in local currency can benefit from a UK government-backed guarantee.

“This can enable businesses to manage foreign exchange risks and, many times, to negotiate better terms with local banks.”

Meanwhile, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) once more intervened in the Retail Secondary Market Intervention Sales (SMIS) yesterday to the tune of $325.64 million.

Figures obtained from the bank indicated that the amount released was for requests in the agricultural, airlines, petroleum products and raw materials and machinery sectors.

The figures were confirmed by the bank’s Acting Director in charge of Corporate Communications, Mr. Isaac Okorafor, who noted that the continued intervention were in line with the assurances made by the CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele, to sustain market liquidity in order to boost production and trade.

According to Okorafor, the feedback from the wholesale and retail segments of the Nigerian Forex markets showed that customers were satisfied with their level of access to foreign exchange.

He said the degree of optimism displayed by all players underscored the fact that everyone was happy with the level of transparency in the market. Speaking further, Okorafor assured that, with the recession now over and foreign reserves now standing at $42 billion, the CBN had enough in its arsenal to maintain the international value of the Naira as well as guarantee access to forex by those requiring it to meet genuine needs.

He also reiterated that the desire of the bank to ensure that all, particularly low end users, had access to foreign exchange to meet genuine needs prompted the Bankers’ Committee, in its first meeting of 2018, to agree to sell United States dollars to those requiring it for invisibles at the rate of N360/$1, without any commission whatsoever.

It will be recalled that the CBN in its last SMIS, in January 2018, injected the sum of $304.4 million in the inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market.

From a chaotic foreign exchange system in the first half of 2017, due to the activities of speculators, currency traffickers among others, which saw the naira dropping to as low as N525 to a dollar, the naira has since stabilised at N360 to a dollar across various segments of the forex market.

The stability was majorly driven by a raft of forex policies that were introduced by the Central Bank which included the I & E window.

The surge in activities at the window had been attributed to offshore investor interest in treasury bills and the primary market auctions (PMA) by the CBN, with the resulting inflows leading to a convergence between the parallel market exchange rate and the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEX) rate, also known as the I&E Forex window.

Most activities now occur on the I&E window, with Fitch Ratings recently acknowledging that the rate on the I&E “should now be considered the relevant exchange rate”.

Soiurce: Obinna Chima,

Kenya to stage US roadshow in drive for $3b Eurobond

Kenya will stage a roadshow in the US this week as it looks to issue a Eurobond of up to $3 billion, to pay debts and invest in infrastructure.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich was cagey on the details of the issue but people involved in the matter said the pitching would target investment banks in Boston, Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC.

“This is not an issue for publicity,” Mr Rotich said when asked to confirm reports that four banks had been picked to act as bookmakers – salesmen – of the debt placed.

The stopovers were confirmed by a dealmaker who is involved in the exercise.

The money is expected to help offset nearly $1.6 billion from the Eurobond Issue of 2014 ($750 million) and a syndicated loan of $800 million picked two years ago.

Central Bank Governor Patrick Njoroge said during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland two weeks ago that roadshows were planned around this time.

“There will be a roadshow in mid-February, which would likely be held in the US and Britain,” Dr Njoroge said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum.

Quoting undisclosed sources, Bloomberg News reported that the National Treasury had chosen Standard Chartered, Citigroup, Standard Bank and JPMorgan Chase to manage the sale.

“The Treasury will seek to raise $1.5 billion to $3 billion in bonds, with a tenor of up 15 years,” the agency reported.

The range tallies with the $2 billion that Kenya said last November it was seeking to raise through a Eurobond in the first quarter of this year for spending purposes only.

Debt structure

It asked banks to propose how to structure the debt over a period of either 5-10 years or 12-15 years, with interest being paid in the final three years. It is understood the government has settled on a 15-year paper in a bid to lengthen the maturity profile of debt.

Kenya’s debut in the Eurobond market was in 2014 when it raised $2.75 billion whose usage drew a lot of questions from the auditor general and the opposition. Its issue will buck the trend of African governments opting for syndicated loans as poor sovereign ratings undermined investor appetite.

In June, Tanzania received a syndicated loan from London-based Credit Suisse Bank worth more than $300 million just five months after announcing it would tap the Eurobond market.

Ethiopia, Ghana and Rwanda are yet to effect plans to issue Eurobonds as economic growth slowdown affects investor sentiment and ratings.

Kenya is hoping to ride on a rally in emerging market assets which saw the yield on its running Eurobond due in 2024 reach a low of 5.45 per cent last month. Senegal and Ivory Coast which share Kenya’s B+ rating were at around 4.5 per cent about two percentage points above the equivalent US debt.

“This is the tightest yield premium over US debt on record that African issuers have seen. There has never been a better time to issue a Eurobond,” said an analyst.

Kenya borrowed more than $4.2 billion in the first four months of this financial year through loans, with a huge chunk of it going into development project financing in energy, water and education sectors. Treasury documents showed $300 million of the loans were from the domestic market.

The largest debt facility was a $750 million loan from Eastern and Southern Africa Trade and Development Bank (TDB) picked up in November last year. Part of its proceeds were used to pay off one of the previous syndicated loan arrangers.

The TDB loan is an eight-year contingent facility lapsing in 2023, but comes with a high interest rate of 6.7 per cent above the prevailing six-month London Interbank Offer Rate (Libor).

The $800 million syndicated loan of February 2017 attracted 5.7 per cent interest above the six month Libor. The Libor was at 1.6 per cent last week.

Domestic debt

Data from the Treasury’s Quarterly Economic and Budgetary Review for the first quarter of the 2017/18 financial year shows that the stock of gross domestic debt increased to $20.19 billion in September last year, from $17.6 billion in September 2016.

On the other hand, the external public debt stock increased by $4.2 billion to $22.37 billion, from from $18.15 billion in September 2016.

In its December 2017 Kenya economic update, World Bank cautioned the country to put in place serious fiscal consolidation measures to slow down the debt accumulation that has seen the debt to GDP ratio rise to 57 per cent from 54 per cent in June 2016.

“The expansionary fiscal stance and underperformance in revenue generation has led to a continued rise in the stock of debt. The overall surge was attributed to increase in both external and domestic debt, as government borrowed to finance the fiscal deficit,” the bank said.

Source: By ALLAN OLINGO, The East African

Changing climate pushes producers to alternative energy

Climate change is pushing governments and players in the energy sector to innovate and diversify their sources of power.

Power producers are now lighting homes, businesses and public buildings using off-grid innovations. For farmers who rely on rain-fed agriculture, off-grid solar solutions have enabled irrigation, a breakthrough that will help beat the effects of harsh weather conditions ravaging the continent.

The Uganda Solar Energy Association (Usea), the apex body for solar companies, last week hosted the Africa Energy Forum, an exhibition in Kampala, with support from USAid through its Power Africa initiative.

More than 40 local and international solar companies gathered to showcase off-grid solutions, which, according to Usea chairman Emmy Kimbowa, will catalyse economic growth.

Uganda’s electricity generation capacity is 870MW, with peak demand at 550MW. Demand is increasing by 10 per cent every year so electricity shortfalls are expected until more power generation facilities are brought onto the grid.

With the bulk of grid electricity generated through large hydro sources (about 85 per cent), Uganda’s power supply is susceptible to drought, intermittent rainfall, and reduced river flows — factors that are expected to become more acute with climate change.

In addition to the 600MW Karuma and 183MW Isimba hydropower projects set to come onstream later this year, Uganda is also pursuing a more diversified energy mix in order to meet its target of increasing installed capacity to 2,500MW by 2020. The country is making greater use of other renewable sources including medium and small-scale hydropower, biomass, solar, and geothermal.

Uganda’s per capita electricity consumption of 157 kilowatt hours (kWh) is considerably lower than the sub-Saharan Africa average of 552 kWh and the global average of 2,472 kWh.

At the Forum in Kampala, US ambassador to Uganda Deborah Malac, UK High Commissioner Peter West and Uganda’s Energy Minister Irene Muloni launched the Power Africa Uganda Electricity Supply Accelerator (Pauesa) project.

Power Africa is a US government-led initiative launched in 2013 to expand electricity access and generation capacity in sub-Saharan Africa by adding more than 30,000MW and 60 million new home and business connections.

Energy Africa, a UK government-led initiative, has been working with other development partners and the Ugandan government to support growth of the off-grid solar market.

The Pauesa — also referred to as “the accelerator” — is a project aligned both with Uganda’s objectives and the Power Africa roadmap of increasing regional generation capacity by 30,000MW and increasing connections by 60 million.

The accelerator project also manages a catalytic support fund, which, according to USAid’s Power Africa, disperses resources to local and regional entities.
The project aims to add 1000MW in installed capacity as well as one million new connections.

Source: By JULIUS BARIGABA, The East African

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Nos últimos 3 anos, os sítios de jogo têm-se tornado cada vez mais comuns. As organizações modernas estão a prestar mais atenção às diferentes ofertas de bónus, géneros de jogos e outros pontos de jogo. Existem mais de 5 tipos de pagamento diferentes, e foi desenvolvido um grande número de métodos de comunicação de casino. Estes são métodos praticamente inteligentes para interessar os clientes, uma vez que estes estão entusiasmados com o serviço. Embora, alguns utilizadores possam por vezes ter dificuldade em escolher uma instituição em particular para jogar. É quando os recursos informativos de revisão do casino vêm em socorro:, AskGamblers, Trustpilot e outros.

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Em 2023, muitas mulheres e raparigas estão também interessadas em casinos em linha. Na Europa, muitas senhoras passam alegremente o seu tempo em clubes de jogo. Existe um bloco inteiro de informações em sobre quais as dicas que faz sentido para as raparigas que jogam ao escolherem um sítio de jogo.

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No website, as pessoas podem explorar notícias actualizadas e as nuances mais importantes relacionadas com o entretenimento do jogo em Portugal. Tudo o que precisa de recordar sobre os clubes de jogo portugueses legais está aqui. Independentemente da cidade de onde venha, quer seja Faro ou Lisboa, poderá ter uma experiência de jogo sem falhas. Separadamente, muitas pessoas vão hoje em dia a casinos terrestres. Solverde é considerado muito popular. Mas se não for fã de clubes de jogo terrestres, e isso agora é suficiente – tem de ir a um casino online. Entre os famosos sites de jogo online encontram-se o CasinoPortugal e o Placard. Com bastante frequência há vídeos sobre eles no YouTube. Em geral, o site de alojamento de vídeos em geral tem muitas críticas de vídeo emocionantes, bem como dados informativos sobre diferentes casinos. Pode até conhecer os bónus recentemente desenvolvidos, bem como vários torneios interessantes com prémios a partir de 500 euros.

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Como é que a equipa classifica os portais dos jogadores?

Para garantir que a equipa cobre todas as informações certas na revisão, foi criada uma lista de regras de avaliação durante os testes dos sites de jogos PT. Isto torna muito mais fácil para os utilizadores encontrar um casino online português.

1. Descobrir se o casino tem uma licença apropriada

O facto de um casino online ter uma licença legal estabelecida é da maior importância, pois este acto digital significa que o jogador está seguro e em caso de qualquer disputa a pessoa terá a possibilidade de contactar a autoridade competente. Em Portugal, o SRIJ (Servicos de Regulacao e Inspecao de Jogos), que foi criado após a legalização dos casinos terrestres em 1989 e dos casinos online em 2015, é considerado como um organismo deste tipo. A legalidade da licença também dá o entendimento de que as poupanças financeiras dos jogadores não serão perdidas e que serão mantidos padrões adequados de protecção de caçadores de bónus, jogo responsável e transparência.

Vale também a pena mencionar que a legislação portuguesa sobre o jogo significa que as empresas estrangeiras também podem fornecer serviços de jogo a cidadãos portugueses. Para tal, devem obter uma licença especial SRIJ ou, em alternativa, fornecer uma licença de um dos reguladores internacionais (MGA, Curaçau). O colunista do casino Antonio Matias recomenda vivamente o estudo em detalhe dos termos e condições dos casinos online antes de começar a jogar.

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Se a oferta ou promoção de um casino pode ser uma boa razão para aderir ao site, as suas promoções regulares são basicamente a razão pela qual um cliente vai continuar a jogar aqui.

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As análises também se concentram em saber se o casino oferece rotações gratuitas. São uma excelente introdução ao jogo e dão ao utilizador um incentivo adicional para se manter envolvido.

Os programas VIP são uma das melhores opções para um site de jogo para mostrar a uma pessoa o seu apreço pelas suas escolhas. Por outras palavras, bónus ou presentes semelhantes concebidos especificamente para si.

Cada casino online tem algo e oferece aos jogadores vários bónus interessantes. À medida que a competição se torna cada vez mais feroz com o tempo, quanto maior for o número de ofertas, mais interessantes serão os convidados. A tabela mostra as conhecidas plataformas de jogo portuguesas e os seus bónus em 2023:

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Quando procura um bónus dos clubes de jogo portugueses na tabela da página, está protegido pelas leis de jogo portuguesas. Devido aos sérios requisitos de bónus, é-lhe garantido um número máximo de passes. Isto torna os termos e condições de bónus muito transparentes.

Por outras palavras, se o bónus exigir uma aposta x10, o utilizador deve apostar o bónus 10 vezes, e só então o jogador pode retirar os seus ganhos. O bónus de 100 euros tem de ser apostado 10 vezes, o que significa que um mínimo de 1000 euros tem de ser apostado antes que este montante possa ser retirado. Preste atenção às condições da oferta de bónus. Este é um ponto importante.

3. Classificação dos clubes de jogo por jogos e criadores que oferecem aos jogadores portugueses

É importante notar que qualquer estabelecimento de jogo é classificado graças a uma tabela de classificação, dependendo das slot machines que oferecem. A disponibilidade de uma variedade de jogos de alta qualidade, bem como de operadores fiáveis, é uma enorme vantagem.

Os jogadores são listados como um dos jogos de casino bastante populares. Quanto mais e maior for a sua abundância, mais curioso é o utilizador que escolhe um ou outro estabelecimento de jogo. Na maioria dos casinos online, os jogadores podem participar em salas de póquer ao vivo e virtuais com outros jogadores. Sem ter de sair de casa, todos têm a opção de ganhar jogos emocionantes, escolhendo entre uma grande variedade de opções.

Na maioria dos clubes de jogo portugueses encontrará sempre uma secção ao vivo. Aqui pode jogar em tempo real com os croupiers. Roleta, blackjack e bacará, craps, questionários e rodas da fortuna chamados game shows estão todos disponíveis nos directórios ao vivo.

Uma grande percentagem dos sites de jogos ostenta produtos de jogos que foram criados por empresas de desenvolvimento apenas para eles. Quer sejam slots ou jogos de casino ao vivo, dão ao cliente a oportunidade de experimentar algo versátil que não pode ser encontrado em recursos alternativos.

Os maiores sites de casinos portugueses colaboram com uma enorme abundância de fornecedores que actualizam constantemente o seu catálogo com novos lançamentos para satisfazer todos os gostos e tendências prevalecentes em todo o mundo. Estes tendem a ser estes criadores como; Wazdan, Push Gaming, Tom Horn, 3 Oaks, Big Time Gaming, EGT, Rogue.

4. Avaliar os casinos pelos instrumentos de pagamento de que dispõem

É de grande importância oferecer aos seus visitantes condições justas e um processamento rápido dos pagamentos. Estas duas opções fazem uma imagem adequada aos utilizadores do casino e encorajam-nos a mostrar mais interesse. Isto também desempenha um papel indubitável na avaliação.

Os clubes de jogo modernos em Portugal estão também a utilizar novas ferramentas de depósito. Ferramentas como a Visa e Mastercard estão naturalmente na liderança, embora cada vez mais clientes prefiram agora utilizar carteiras digitais como a Apple Pay, Neteller, MultiBanco e outras.

O feedback de utilizadores experientes sobre casinos portugueses também varia. Alguns preferem PayPal e Skrill, enquanto outros são desconfortáveis com as transferências de moeda via MBWay. É por isso que ao ler as opiniões de utilizadores reais, deve também prestar atenção ao facto de que todos gostam de levantamentos e depósitos à sua própria maneira. Algumas pessoas escrevem críticas de tal forma que o casino parece ser um recurso miserável. Embora, possa ser trivial porque a pessoa não gostou do método de transferência devido a taxas não rentáveis. Antes de retirar dinheiro, dever-se-ia, de qualquer forma, olhar para os termos e condições de retirada. É também importante estar ciente do que o serviço de jogo é o depósito mínimo. A taxa % de levantamento depende também disto.

5. Classificação dos casinos por ranhuras com a RTP

RTP (Return to Player) é a percentagem, que é representada como o montante de financiamento que é devolvido a uma pessoa durante um jogo, do montante total de dinheiro apostado por todos os utilizadores do jogo. Os casinos e os vendedores são obrigados por lei a declarar a RTP.

Quanto mais alto for o RTP, mais inclinada será a máquina de jogo. Esta informação da RTP pode ser encontrada no separador de introdução de qualquer jogo, no web casino da sua escolha, ou na página de descrição do operador.

6. Apoio aos jogadores em casinos portugueses

As plataformas de jogo que conseguiram cuidar de um excelente apoio aos seus jogadores também recebem um maior reconhecimento. Desta forma, os jogadores sabem que serão imediatamente ajudados em qualquer dificuldade. A comunicação com os utilizadores, os tempos de resposta, os métodos de comunicação, etc., reflectem-se na impressão geral do casino online.

7. Aplicação móvel

Numa altura em que a maioria dos clientes portugueses está a utilizar os seus gadgets móveis para jogar em clubes e máquinas de jogo, é muito importante ter a melhor aplicação que satisfaça as suas necessidades. Uma aplicação de buggy que leva muito tempo a carregar irá aborrecer o utilizador desde os primeiros segundos e é mais provável que este procure outra coisa. Assim, ter uma versão móvel do casino fiável e actualizada é também uma consideração importante ao escolher o melhor portal. Alguns clubes de jogo já escrevem uma cláusula nos termos de registo de que a utilização da versão móvel está disponível com um dispositivo, o mais tardar até 2018. Preste atenção a isto!

8. Como combater o vício nos clubes de jogo portugueses?

Um estabelecimento de jogo de confiança relembra sempre os utilizadores do clube de jogo responsável e medido, fornecendo todas as ferramentas importantes para deixar claro que o jogo é puramente por diversão. Para este fim, o casino utiliza uma série de ferramentas, tais como limites de tempo, limites financeiros e económicos, o direito de eliminar um perfil ou proibir uma conta durante 3, 6 ou 9 horas. Se, contudo, alguns dos jogadores não forem suficientes, os casinos oferecem a oportunidade de obter ajuda de certas organizações (Jogo Responsavel, NCPG, Gamblers Anonumous).

A fim de poder avaliar objectivamente as páginas web de jogos, a equipa utiliza detalhes diferentes e multifacetados nos seus parâmetros. Os peritos concentram-se no licenciamento, na acumulação de bónus e nas promoções que os casinos fornecem aos utilizadores, bem como aos seus criadores de jogos.

Para concluir, em encontrará sempre uma avaliação competente para o ajudar a escolher o estabelecimento de jogo certo para si. Portanto, vale a pena saber que o jogo é bom num website onde pode pesquisar rapidamente a informação. Não se esqueça que o entretenimento de jogos de azar não é uma forma adicional de rendimento. É uma opção para qualquer pessoa ter um tempo de lazer interessante em 2023!

Gambia: The Gambia Rejoins Commonwealth

The Gambia will on Thursday at 11 a.m., rejoin the Commonwealth family, almost five years after leaving the 53-member organisation.

The Gambia’s readmission would be confirmed by 12. 01 a.m. on Thursday after which the Secretariat would announce that The Gambia is rejoining the Commonwealth.

A flag-raising ceremony, at the gardens of Marlborough House, the London headquarters of the Commonwealth Secretariat, would mark its return, said Barnie Choudhury, Director, Media and Public Relations, Commonwealth Secretariat.

Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland; Chair, Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, Norman Hamilton; members of the Committee; and The Gambian High Commissioner-to be, Francis Blain, would attend the ceremony.

The decision to begin the process of applying for readmission was made in February 2017 by President Adama Barrow, who came to power following elections in December 2016.

In December 2017, the parliament of The Gambia unanimously affirmed the country’s desire to rejoin the Commonwealth, thereby fulfilling one of the final steps in the organisation’s membership process.

Its application was unanimously supported by the current 52-member states and The Gambia would now be invited to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in April in London.

The secretary-general said when The Gambia left in 2013, the heads of government expressed their regret in its leaving the Commonwealth family.

Scotland said: “We’ve looked forward to The Gambia’s return and were delighted when, after his election victory last year, President Barrow pledged to return.

“The Gambia’s application to rejoin has been unanimously accepted by all 52-member states, who welcome back their brothers and sisters to again play their full part in the Commonwealth family.”

Blain, the High Commissioner-to be, also expressed joy that his country was rejoining the Commonwealth.

“I am thrilled to represent my country as it formally rejoins the Commonwealth after an absence of several years – and to become High Commissioner rather than Ambassador.

“The Gambia looks forward to being able both to contribute to and benefit from the collective wisdom of the Commonwealth family of countries.

“And to playing an active role in supporting the work of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the many other organisations and initiatives that flourish as expressions of Commonwealth connection.

“The Government and people of The Gambia will also draw on all that the Commonwealth collectively has to offer, assisting in practical ways to address a wide range of pressing issues.

“These include protecting the environment and tackling climate change, and the empowerment of women and young people,” Blain said.

The Gambia first became a member of the Commonwealth in 1965, when it gained independence from Britain.

There are now 53 members of The Commonwealth, representing more than 2.4 billion people.

The ceremony takes place just two months before the CHOGM.

CHOGM is taking place in London for the first time since 1986, and for the first time in the United Kingdom since the 1997 Edinburgh summit. (NAN)


Zimbabwe: Zim Draws Down $1,1bn From Afreximbank Facilities

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said it drew down as much as $1,1 billion from nostro stabilisation facilities last year extended by the Afreximbank as it sought to stabilise the foreign exchange market.

This sustained the financing of critical imports such as fuel, electricity, medicines, fertilisers, cash imports and raw materials, RBZ governor John Mangudya said yesterday. Zimbabwe is facing a critical shortage of foreign currency as imports continue outweighing exports.

The country has also not been receiving significant foreign direct investment – a major source of hard currency in a dollarised economy like Zimbabwe. The shortage of the US dollar, the country’s major trading currency, has spawned significant exchange rate disparities with other forms of currencies, mainly the bond notes.

“Draw-downs from these facilities together with the utilisation of bond notes in an amount of $290 million as at end December 2017 went a long way to stabilise shortages of cash in the country. The worst could have happened especially in September 2017 had it not been for the positive impact of the nostro stabilisation facilities on the economy,” Dr Mangudya said in the 2018 Monetary Policy Statement yesterday.

Zimbabwe experienced massive price increases in September triggered by unsubstantiated reports that there was a looming price hike and widespread shortage of basic commodities.

The reports also alleged the RBZ had released huge amounts of bond notes to mop up the US dollars. As a result, there was panic buying, which also caused some shortages.

Dr Mangudya said many companies involved in production of food products, packaging, fertilisers, agrochemicals and fuel distribution benefited from the facilities. Meanwhile, Dr Mangudya said the central bank has continued to use Aftrades as its lender of last resort window for promoting interbank finance facility.

The Aftrades facility, which was established in 2015 at a limit of $200 million, has helped alleviating liquidity shortages and will run for another two years until February 2019.

Total trades amounted to $399,5 million in 2017. Dr Mangudya also said $165 million had been raised through Savings Bonds, which was introduced in September last year to mop up excess liquidity in the market and to provide investors with a platform for increasing savings within the country.


Tanzania: Govt Plans to Build 7 More Flyovers in Dar es Salaam

Dar es Salaam — The government plans to construct seven more flyovers in the city.

The aim is to decongest Dar es Salaam.

The government chief spokesman, Dr Hassan Abbasi, told journalists here on Wednesday, February 7, that the new projects would be undertaken at the junctions of Chang’ombe, Uhasibu, Kamata, Morocco, Mwenge, Tabata and Magomeni.

According to him, feasibility studies for the projects have started and will be completed mid this year.

“They will ease transportation in the city and stimulate other economic activities,” said Dr Abbasi, who is also the Information Services director.

Similar projects are taking place at the Tazara area and Ubungo.

 Source: Deogratius Kamagi,

Zimbabwe: The Russian Billionaire in Zimbabwe for Fertiliser Deals

Stepping off his private plane in Harare on Tuesday night, in white shirt and blue jeans, billionaire Dmitry Mazepin represents both the hope and fear under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s “open for business” crusade.

Mazepin is one of Russia’s richest businessmen – Forbes puts his worth at $3.2 billion, but various Russian newspapers value his wealth at up to $7.7 billion. Forbes places him in the Top 100 of richest Russians.

Mazepin has made his fortune in the fertiliser business, through his company Uralchem, which is the world’s second-largest manufacturer of ammonium nitrate. In 2013, he bought into Uralkali, the world’s largest miner of potash, used in the manufacture of fertiliser. Uralkali is worth $15 billion, by some accounts.

This week, Mazepin arrived in Zimbabwe and plans to invest in the country’s 500,000 tonne per year fertiliser business, according to officials. Mazepin was among those that attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, where Mnangagwa made a pitch for international investment in Zimbabwe. It is unclear if the two met.

Mazepin is a graduate of the Minsk Suvorov Military School and has served as an MP in President Vladmir Putin’s United Russia party. He started building his fortune in 2004, when he forged Uralchem from a string of companies that he had acquired in a series of often controversial takeovers.

He is well connected in the financial world. He has had the support of Russia’s top lenders, such as Sberbank, VTB and Renaissance Capital, the last two of which have done business in Zimbabwe.

Uralchem seems a godsend for Zimbabwe, which is desperate to solve perennial fertiliser shortages. The country has had to rely on imports, the last of which were funded through a facility from Afreximbank, to meet demand. The country has just one ammonium nitrate producer, Sable Chemicals, which can only supply a quarter of demand, according to its chief executive Bothwell Nyajeka.

That a company the size of Uralchem is looking at Zimbabwe for investment is therefore reason for hope that Mnangagwa’s pro-business drive is working. However, the scary part is that Mazepin has been accused of ruthless business practices and cutting corners in other markets. In the rush to welcome foreign money, how much should that be a concern to Zimbabwe?

In 2016, Mazepin was accused of “a raider attack,” a business move in which a minority shareholder works from the inside to devalue a company and buy it on the cheap. Mazepin was accused of trying to bring down a fertiliser firm, TOAZ, which holds 20 percent of the global ammonia market. Past reports also point to Mazepin’s conflicts at Russian gas firm Gazprom and other brutal takeovers.

It is not a coincidence that a Russian fertiliser billionaire is arriving in the country just as Zimbabwe has put its key fertiliser operation, Chemplex, up for sale.

Chemplex, a unit of the Industrial Development Corporation, owns the companies that are at the centre of the fertiliser business; Chemplex owns half of the Zimbabwe Fertiliser Company, 36% of Sable Chemicals (some reports have suggested that Masawara’s Shingi Mutasa now controls 90 percent of the company) and wholly owns ZimPhos and Dorowa Minerals. Dorowa Minerals is the country’s only phosphate mine.

In a notice last week, the IDC said it was looking for a new investor for Chemplex.

“The investor is expected to inject additional capital into the business, bring in new technology and access to wider markets for the business,” said IDCZ.

An offer to Mazepin to take over Chemplex is on the cards. Chemplex is already also in the sights of Robert Gumede, a South African businessman, and also those of South Africa’s IDC.

Amid all the hopes brought by Mnangagwa’s open-door policy for investors, there will be many questions over the types of investors Zimbabwe is attracting. There will be fears that an over eager Zimbabwe might end up with investing partners that it may find hard to deal with eventually.

However, in this rare window of international goodwill that the country is enjoying, Zimbabwe barely has the luxury to wait and pick and choose.

“The country will go with those brave enough to step up now. But we will obviously do our homework and due diligence, to make sure we get the best deals out of those making themselves available,” a senior Government official involved in the Mazepin visit told The Source on Wednesday.


Africa: ‘Nigeria Remains Investment Destination for Oil, Gas in Sub-Saharan Africa’

Nigeria is said to be an attractive investment destination in sub-Sahara Africa despite the fast changing landscape of the global oil and gas industry.

The Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Simbi Wabote, at the BHGE 2018 Annual Meeting in Florence, Italy, while fielding questions at the Ministerial Panel, said Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry is still very attractive to investment, regardless of various challenges facing the global oil industry since 2014.

Earlier in his opening remarks, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Baker Hughes a GE (BHGE), Lorenzo Simonelli, had highlighted the various challenges, including market volatility, threat of emerging technologies and digitalisation, energy transition to cleaner fuel sources, and the demands of energy affordability, security and sustainability.

Conceding that these challenges are real and enormous, Wabote contended that from an African perspective, “the concern for me is the emergence of artificial intelligence and robotics, and how these impact on people.”

He enjoined international oil companies to pay close attention to this fact as well as environmental stewardship, and charged operators and service companies to avoid the mistakes of the past, and conduct their businesses with transparency.

The Panellists agreed that “meeting the world’s energy needs isn’t going to be easy,” adding that the “changing market realities and constant uncertainties mean that the industry will continue to face pressures from all directions,” making the case for investing smarter ways.

The theme of the Annual Meeting is – “AM 2018 Investing Smarter Ways”, and is one of the most anticipated event in the industry. It brings together global industry leaders to debate key issues, and learn about latest technologies and innovative solutions to operational challenges.

This year’s Ministerial Panel featured: Carlo Calenda, Minister of Economic Development, Italy, Dr. Dawood Nassif, Advisor to Bahrain Oil Minister, and the Executive Secretary of NCDMB.

Source: Roseline Okere, Allafrica