Author: murielle

Mauritius: Budget 2016/2017 Highlights – Reforming Business Facilitation and Expanding Economic Horizons

One of the important strategies of Budget 2016/2017 is reforming business facilitation and expanding our economic horizons which aims to free our economy from the stifling bureaucracy and get it out of the constraining mould of laws, regulations and administrative procedures that have not been able to adapt to the new exigencies.

The first measure is to cut drastically the time it takes to deliver Building and Land Use Permits and clearances for all construction related projects. To this end, the requirement for approval by the Executive Committee of the Local Authority concerned when determining a BLP is being abolished and the Local Authority will have only 8 working days to seek any additional information from an applicant.

The Property Development Scheme (PDS) will be reviewed and the PDS regulations will be amended to remove the maximum size limit of 50 arpents, to remove the requirement to sell at least 25 percent of residential units to Mauritian buyers and to review the current maximum permissible land size for a villa, from half an arpent to 1.25 arpent.

An e-licensing platform will be set up to provide a single point of entry for applications for permits and licences. This will bring down submission of documents in some cases from around 48 copies to just one copy.

The Investment Promotion Act will be amended to authorise the Board of Investment (BOI) to issue the necessary clearances and approvals for a business to start operation in cases where the statutory deadlines for processing applications have lapsed. This is in line with the Silent Agreement Principle. It should unlock a significant number of projects which are in the pipeline, accelerate job creation, turn around the declining trend in private investment, increase FDI and boost up economic growth.

The Budget 2016/2017 makes provision for introducing the Regulatory Sandbox Licence in Mauritius. The BOI may issue approvals, permits and licences to start an innovative project after consulting relevant ministries.

To further open the economy the Budget will allow noncitizens, registered with the BOI, subject to security clearances, to acquire apartments and business spaces in buildings. The Noncitizens (Property Restriction) Act will be amended accordingly.

Tanzania: 11 Trillion/ – Sabodo Boost for Dodoma

Prominent businessman and philanthropist Mustafa Sabodo has pledged to inject a staggering 5 billion US dollars (about 10.9 trillion/-) in massive investments for the designated capital city of Dodoma.

On the other hand, the senior citizen, has said he had halted financial support to opposition Chadema and NCCR-Mageuzi, “thanks to impressive performance by President John Magufuli during his eight months in office”.

“The long-term benefits of transferring the capital to Dodoma are immense and no one should put down such efforts,” the senior citizen said yesterday at his home in an exclusive interview he granted to ‘Daily News’ and its Kiswahili sister paper “Habari Leo.”

He added; “By announcing that he will have all government offices shifted to Dodoma during his tenure in power, President John Magufuli has shown commitment to fulfill the idea initiated by the founding father of Tanzania the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere”.

The businessman explained that the funds in question will be used to set up industries to produce wines and cassava starch, setting up of schools and other facilities, stressing that the funds are available in his foreign sources.

“I will as well persuade owners of the well-known Apollo Hospital in India to set up a modern facility in Dodoma to provide high quality medical services in the designated capital,” he explained. The idea to shift the capital city from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma was initiated by Mwalimu Nyerere, who established the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in 1973 to spearhead the process. President Magufuli recently expressed his commitment to relocate to Dodoma before the end of his five-year term.

The Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa, also confirmed that he would move to the new capital by September, directing all ministers to do the same.”Successive leaders after Nyerere tried to accomplish the scheme with little success until President Magufuli came.

In my view, the envisaged relocation to the designated capital should be referred to as Magufuli or Dodoma Declaration,” the businessman-cum-philanthropist remarked. Mr Sabodo said he will engage President Magufuli through the Chief Secretary, Ambassador John Kijazi, on implementation of the grand plan where he plans to appoint a person to oversee dishing of the billions for investments.

“The commercial capital of Dar es Salaam is currently over populated; it is my dream to see Dodoma developed and spread to as far as Manyoni, Mpwapwa and Kondoa. However concrete actions must be made to have this dream realised,” he observed.

The senior citizen spoke highly of President Magufuli on curbing corruption and waste of public funds, stating that the pledge to move to Dodoma was a challenge that the president was obliged to accomplish.

“I salute President Magufuli for his efforts and I will write an open letter to him — to congratulate him. I have been a critic of corruption because it denies people equality in the society and this is the root cause of underdevelopment,” he stated.

Regarding financial support to opposition parties, Mr Sabodo said he provided the funds to support the parties to fight ills in the country at that time but now he sees no need since President Magufuli is on the right track.

“I will not provide funds to the opposition parties anymore since Dr Magufuli is doing a good job for the country,” he noted. Mr Sabodo said as well he was writing books on anti-corruption to be dedicated to the late leaders of liberation struggles in Africa namely Mwalimu Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah and Nelson Mandela of Ghana and South Africa, respectively.

The books to be titled; “Corruption D.C, National and International Corruption,” will be distributed to all member states of the African Union (AU). Mr Sabodo was born in Lindi, Tanzania, to parents of Indian descent.

He is an economist, consultant in international debt-finance, philanthropist and a businessman. He has business interests in India, France, Kenya, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation National Lottery was the brainchild of Mzee Sabodo, who donated 800m/ towards a project that established the lottery.

Angola: Luanda Consumers Panic With Commodity Prices

Luanda — The prices of basic commodities in the Luanda market recorded an increase that is reflected on foodstuff with the 25 kg bag of rice, which earlier this year cost 2,500 kwanzas, being now sold at the price of ten thousand kwanzas.

For a box of chicken thighs and ribs in wholesale warehouses of Cometa are in Viana municipality, they cost 7,700 and 12,000 kwanzas, respectively.

In this period, Angop learnt that the consumer spends much money for the purchase of foodstuff.

The canteen owner Costa Morais said that profits from the sale of detergents and foodstuff are good.

For a box of spaghetti, consumers are paying now 4,000 kwanzas if compared to the previous 1,200 kwanzas.

Economist points out macro-economic customs factors

Macro-economic and customs factors are the main reasons for the imbalance of prices in informal markets and shops, according to economist Manuel Lourenço.

“The domestic production cannot meet demand that is higher. Business people are taking advantage of speculating the prices. Many of them are taking advantage of the situation to compensate their profits”, he stressed.

The expert believes that the supply and demand will have balance when there is an increase in domestic production and a consequent reduction in imports.

Trade alerts agents to combat speculation

The Inspector General of Trade, Heleno Antunes, ensures that the institution will continue to inspect small and large shopping centers in the country.

The aim is to combat speculation in the prices of basic food products. Heleno Antunes spoke at a Round Table in the National Radio of Angola, on the monitoring of prices in supermarkets.

The traders who opt for speculation prices are subject to punitive and corrective action by the competent bodies of inspection and supervision.

Angola: Economic Platforms May Help to Diversify Economy – Governor

The implementation of logistic platforms, in the future, will contribute to the diversification of the national economy, said on Saturday in Luau municipality, eastern Moxico province, by the local governor, João Ernesto dos Santos “Liberdade”,

Speaking at the opening of the regional meeting on logistic platforms, the official stressed that the meaning of the economic platforms illustrates clearly and transparently the policies and strategies that the Ministry of Transport is promoting to better diversify the economy and face the slow growth faced by the country now.

“Iam pretty sure that the implementation of the logistic platform of Luau will also help the economic and social development in Moxico province, in particular, as well as the eastern region of the country and the bordering countries”, he stressed.

João Ernesto dos Santos stated that Luau municipality, as it is situated at the Lobito Corridor through the Benguela railways (CFB), will gain new infrastructures such as shops, banks, modern garages, hotels and other equipment, under the implementation of the logistic platforms.

The fundamental objective of the cross border meeting was to improve the competition between the companies, to develop the economy and create new workplaces for Angolan young people so that they may contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

Tanzania: Focus On Agriculture, Tanzania Urged

Dar es Salaam — Tanzania’s economy has been growing at a satisfactory rate but the country must promote several areas for the growth to have an impact on poverty reduction endeavours amid global uncertainties, the United Nations has said.

In its Development Assistance Plan 2016 -2021 Report – which was launched in Dar es Salaam recently – the United Nations calls upon Tanzania to ensure that it puts emphasis on growth of areas that will have a a quick impact on the population.

The areas include tourism, agriculture and in building productivity of the micro, small and medium enterprises.

“The country must provide openings for upgrading the tourist sector and branding the country as destination of choice with focus on promoting natural beauty, historical and cultural heritage of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar,” reads a statement in the report.

Tanzania, the UN says, must take advantage of the high rates of return on investment in social sectors by addressing challenges of equity, quality and scale. That can be done by investing in building productivity of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

The MSMEs must be helped through increased access to finance, business development services and training.

“Similarly, the country must invest in productivity to provide measures for agriculture and development of agro-industries which have enormous potential given that 80 per cent of agricultural exports were currently not being processed in the country,” the report reads.

Angola: Investors Interested in Cultivating Exotic Plants

Luanda — The Angolan Agriculture minister, Afonso Pedro Canga, said that there are investors in the cultivation of exotic plants.

The minister said so on Tuesday at a press conference held in Luanda, under the government’s Corporate Communication and Marketing Programme (GRECIMA).

The meeting with the press is expected to be one more opportunity for the incumbent minister to better put across and explain the main projects of his sector aimed at the diversification of the country’s economy.

Angola Will Not Resort to IMF’s Financial Assistance

Luanda — The Angolan government reaffirmed last Monday in Luanda that it will not resort to technical assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), due to its recent efficient economic performance and other sources of financing.

A press communiqué from the Finance Ministry on the “Fiscal perspective and indicators of the macroeconomic performance for the first semester of 2016”, which has reached ANGOP, states that “the country will continue to hold dialogues to share opinions in the domain of its economic policy (…)”, adding that despite this option the government will continue to hold talks with the IMF for the continuation of the technical assistance programme, reason why a delegation from that international institution is expected back in Angola next October.

In the visit made to Angola last June, reads the note, the IMF delegation had “frank and constructive dialogue with the Angolan Finance Ministry.

The Angolan government has recognised the suggestions made by the IMF team on the reforms needed for the protection and diversification of the country’s economy.

The note also explains that the decision to get financial assistance from the IMF had been taken in a context in which the price of the country’s main commodity, crude-oil, was falling steeply in the international market, which the prevision of reaching USD 20 per barrel.

The note states also that the outlook is now more encouraging with the recent rise in the international price of crude-oil.

However, states the note, the Angolan Executive continues to show commitment to executing its structural reform programme.




“国际品牌来到了科特迪瓦。他们已经理解并认识到了这一潜在市场,因为我们迅猛的经济发展吸引着众多人的目光。”阿比让咖啡色彩公司(Couleur Cafe)的法比耶娜•德朗说道。


一位科特迪瓦咖啡制造商Bakayako Lamine说:“我们的咖啡是一种略带苦味、口感粗糙但浓厚的咖啡,很好喝。”




当雪佛龙的CEO 约翰·沃森坐在他位于加利福尼亚圣拉蒙的办公室里,描绘着他在安哥拉的分公司——卡宾达原油有限公司(Cabgoc)的未来发展蓝图时,他一定会想些什么呢?
“政府已经有所作为。 显然这就是他们想要前进的方向。我一直很乐观。我显然是支持Sanongol的决策方向的。”

Cote d’Ivoire: Coffee Business Brewing in Ivory Coast

Most of the coffee beens come to the world market from African countries like Ivory Coast, but few companies roast and package them locally.

However, things started to change slowly and some of the Robusta variety is now being processed for local consumption.

“International brands are coming to Ivory Coast. They have understood and realised the potential of this market because we are having a dynamic boom in our economy which attracts a lot of people,” says Fabieenne Dervain of Couleur Cafe Abidjan.

Dervain is selling quality Ivorian coffee processed in Abidjan to wealthy Ivorians. She believes that if it is prepared and blended correctly, it is far superior to any other variety of coffee. It is also more affordable.

Bakayako Lamine, an Ivorian coffee brewer, says: “[Ours is] a type of coffee that is a bit bitter and coarse and yet so flavourful. It’s good.”

Famous coffee brands are also increasingly mixing Ivorian coffee with the more expensive and harder to find Arabica variety.

Arabica is considered to be smoother with complex flavours, but it is a more fragile plant. Robusta makes up about 30 percent of global coffee production.