Author: jilles














                                                           Loan No.: 21001500194


This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this Project that appeared in the United Nations Development Business (UNDB) online and the African Development Bank Group’s website on 27th January 2015 and on the local print media.


The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) towards the cost of implementation of the Support to Science and Technology Education Project (SSTEP). It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for the manufacture, supply and delivery of workshop and classroom, and office furniture for four (4No.) Trades Training Institutes and Universities under the Project.  


The Government of the Republic of Zambia, through the Ministry of Higher Education now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the manufacture, supply and delivery of the following assorted workshop and classroom, and office furniture:


Workshop, Classroom and Office Furniture for Training Institutions under SSTEP


Lot No.

Item Description


Delivery Period




8 Weeks

Classroom tables


8 Weeks

Students’ Chairs


8 Weeks

Lecturers’ Desks


8 Weeks

Lecturers’ Chairs


8 Weeks

Drawing Tables


8 Weeks

Work Benches


8 Weeks

Drawing Boards


8 Weeks


Computer lab tables


8 Weeks

Computer lab chairs


8 Weeks

Laboratory Stools


8 Weeks

Library and Classroom chairs


8 Weeks

Library tables


8 Weeks

Library Study Carrels 


8 Weeks

Library Double sided steel shelves


8 Weeks


Office Desk


8 Weeks

Office Chair


8 Weeks

Visitors’ Chair


8 Weeks

Filing Cabinet


8 Weeks



Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address of the Executing Agency as detailed at the end of this SPN.


A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address provided below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Zambian Kwacha One Thousand only (K1,000.00) in cash or Bank Certified Cheque. 


The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Rules and Procedures for the Procurement of Goods and Works, May 2008 edition, Revised in July 2012. The method of procurement is International Competitive Bidding (ICB).


Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days and must be delivered to the address provided below on or before Friday 14th October, 2016 at 10:30 hours local time and must be accompanied by a Bid Security of at least 2% of the bid sum. HOWEVER, ELECTRONIC BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


Bids should be appropriately bound (no box files), sealed, bold-labelled and clearly marked “Tender for the Supply and Delivery of Assorted Workshop and Office Furniture for TTIs and Universities under SSTEP” and must be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Ministry of Higher Education, Ground Floor, Maxwell House, Los Angeles Boulevard, Longacres, LUSAKA, Zambia and will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at 10:30 hours local time on or before Friday 14th October, 2016. LATE BIDS SHALL BE REJECTED.


The closing date for the receipt of bids is Friday 14th October, 2016 at 10:30 hours local time.









Sector: Water Supply

  1. The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received a loan from the African Development Bank/African Water Facility to finance the four town’s water supply and sanitation improvement program.
  2. The principal objectives of this project are to implement the Water supply and sanitation project through Water Resources Development Fund. The program focus on service delivery through improvement in utility efficiency and sustainability which is aligned with the objectives of the inclusive growth by supporting development and Job creation, especially for women and youth and by prioritizing the specific needs in the underserved periurban areas. The General procurement methods include:-  ( i) Shopping, (ii) National competitive bidding and (iii) International competitive bidding
  3. The project includes the following components


    1. Implementation of the water supply and sanitation projects of the towns of Adwa, Adama, Bichena and Gode. Procurement of Consultancy Service, Supply of pipes and fittings and electromechanical equipment’s, Construction of civil works for four towns. 
    2. Identification of investment in contracts of design review and contract administration of the four towns.
    3. Project identification of the project including Environmental and social management plan implementation.
    4. Stakeholder consultation and engagement including engagement of potential financing agencies as well as the private sector in resource mobilization for implementation of the projects and for project preparation of Consultants, suppliers and Contractors.
    5. Project management that will involve overall project management, consultation workshop   and coordination.
  4. Procurement of Goods and Works will be in accordance with the Bank’s Rules of Procedures for Procurement of Goods and Works. May 2008 edition (revised July 2012). Acquisition of the services of consultants will follow the Bank’s Rules of Procedures for the Use of Consultants May 2008 edition (revised July 2012) Bidding documents expected to be available during the October 2016.
  5. Interested Bidders/ Consultants may obtain further information and should confirm their interest by contacting at the following address during office hour from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM local time Monday to Friday.



Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum)| 2016


Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum)| 2016

Theme: ‘Enhancing partnerships for 21st Century Skills: youth as job creators, not job seekers.’

The African Union Commission in collaboration with ECOWAS, the National Agency for the Promotion of Youth Employment in Senegal and YALI are pleased to announce a call for applications to the Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum). The forum aims at bringing young African entrepreneurs to learn, network, share experiences and good practices, motivate each other and showcase their businesses and thereby be an inspiration to one another. The YEES forum is scheduled to be held from the 5th of October to the 7th of October in Dakar Senegal. This forum targets the Francophone Countries and follows the inaugural forum that was held in Kenya in 2014 targeting Anglophone Countries. 

The YEES forum is driven by the realisation that interventions focused on linkages will improve the value chain by enabling the flow of critical services through embedded arrangements. In addition to peer to peer linkages, these interventions shall also focus on linking regional competitive youth entrepreneurs to industry champions thus addressing some of the challenges faced by young people, particularly women in business and providing a platform for peer learning. 

The forum aims to attract entrepreneurs with scalable businesses who are currently employers of labour and are interested in working towards a better Africa.

Participants at the forum will benefit from:

  • Improved business development skills through practical workshops;
  • Collaborative learning and sharing of experiences to increase success rates for
    business start-ups among young entrepreneurs;
  • Opportunity to identify successful business men or women to act as Mentors
    for young entrepreneurs;
  • Opportunities to engage with young entrepreneurs in dynamic sectors of the emerging intra-Africa trade including extractives and agri-business.

The program will include:

  • Training: Training sessions on core business development including building
    a sustainable financial structure and personal development. The sessions will
    also introduce participants to various mentoring techniques as well as new tools for effective mentoring.
  • Exhibition: This exhibition will give opportunity to young entrepreneurs to
    showcase their products and explore new market opportunities. Business
    development service providers will also be invited to proffer advice to the young entrepreneurs.
  • Field Visits: Participants visit a successful enterprise owned by young
    entrepreneurs in the host country. This is expected to inspire the participants
    and serve as successful models for their own enterprise development and
  • Experience Sharing: Key business organizations and leaders will be identified
    to facilitate the forum. The regional entrepreneurship development platform to
    be established shall provide back stopping for experience sharing, mentoring
    and business development services

Date and Venue: The YEES Forum will take place from 5th to 7th of October 2016 in Dakar Senegal.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to Citizens of African Francophone Countries;
  • African youth between the ages of 15 and 35. Women are strongly encouraged
    to apply;
  • Must be able to speak and work in at least one AU working language (English,
    French, Arabic or Portuguese).

Participation Cost: Young entrepreneurs can sponsor themselves to this workshop and there is also a limited number of scholarships available to entrepreneurs. Please indicate if you will be interested in sponsorship while applying.

Interested participants are therefore requested to express their interest in
participating in this forum by applying via the following link: on the 12 September 2016 by 11:59pm (EAT).

We are looking forward to your application!

Land for Life Youth Social Media Activist Challenge

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Are You the ONE?

The Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists Challenge: “Are You the ONE?” campaign aims to recognize active, passionate and dedicated young people who are currently active in conserving natural resources and promoting such actions to their peers and local communities via social media. Winners' initiatives, stories, experience and /or challenges encountered, ideas or solutions will be communicated and highlighted through UNCCD’s various communication channels such as social media platforms and website. 

It is an Opportunity for individual and community projects / stories to get access to valuable networks and gain recognition from a worldwide audience. Thus we encourage all young people who are actively working for environmental justice to send us your initiatives and stories.Your stories could be in the form of short  documentaries, short videos, pictures, short stories, artistic work.

Who can Apply?  If you are  between 16-40 years old,  and you belong to the  group of young people  that will play a decisive role in shaping the future, we welcome your application. Please see the application guidelines for further details. 

Who is considered Youth Social Media Activist?
UNCCD secretariat considers a youth social media activist as young people who are passionate, dedicated and actively working to promote environmental justice; sustainable land and natural resources management or land conservation via different social channels and platforms.
If you are Bloggers, YouTubers, Young Journalists, Youth Leaders, Students, Artists, Celebrities, or young people who are active in social movements, community organizations, and have the quality of the mentioned Youth Social Media Activist, YOU may be the ONE we are looking for…

Open for submission: now till 31 October 2016

Language of​​ submission: Any of the six UN Languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian). If the content is NOT in English, please provide professional English translation.

How Winners will be rewarded:

  • Top 3 winners will be sponsored to attend a UNCCD International Youth Event co-organized with Future Forest 
  • Winners will be recognized as Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists for a period of one year and receiving a certificate.
  • Winners' story will be published and promoted through UNCCD communication channels.
  • Winners will be invited to present their work at international events.
  • Winners will be expected to promote all UNCCD campaigns with their networks.

For more details, please contact:

Denis Nkwetato Tamonkia ( AFCHAM Chairman)

Promoting African Business in China and Investment Opportunities in Africa

Today in the Managers Abroad Podcast, we have a very special guest, the current chairperson of the African Chamber of Commerce in China, AFCHAM, and head of its education committee, Mr. Denis Nkwetato Tamonkia. Born in Cameroon, he is an experienced educationist and corporate trainer who has held numerous leadership positions in the fields of education, non-governmental organizations, and business.

Among the projects that Denis has developed in China, we can highlight the popular social networking community for teachers and students called MyEE Online. He is also the brain behind SEPFRA (Solar Energy Products For Rural Areas), a non-governmental organization that seeks to provide solutions to basic energy lack in rural areas in Africa. Besides, He is currently the editor forBridge Afrique Magazine, a global platform in English, French, and Chinese, to showcase Africa to the world and the world to Africa for the purpose of attracting investments and increase trade within the Continent. Denis believes that the AFCHAM is “the ultimate connection through which companies and individuals that see a bright future in Africa can get started”.


Interview prepared by Amado Trejo

G20 Warm up sessions

China recently published its start up investment fund standing at $338 Billion, making it the biggest pot in the world. Beijing now boasts the world's second-largest number of most valuable tech startups. What can we make of this? And how will this shape our economies? World Economic Forum Global Shapers Shanghai ll proudly presents this summer's third G20 warm up session on INNOVATION together with Slush Shanghai and African Chamber of Commerce. .


Join us to hear the stories of entrepreneurship and open innovation through three different angles and take part in the discussions on how China could harvest this to collaborate globally

Please fill in the registration form to attend the Event

    Your Name (required)

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    Tap from the pool of young African professionals

    When the development of Africa is discussed, most stakeholders often focus more on finances and may be logistics. Human resources are usually overlooked. The few who do think about human resources show little attention to the vast and ever-growing pool of young African professionals based both in and out of the continent. Companies carrying out projects in various industries across the continent have until now depended largely on non-African professionals. The most common flimsy excuse for not using African professionals even in projects for Africa is that, it is hard to find qualified and experienced Africans to do the job. Paradoxically, African countries like Congo (Brazzaville) experienced an unemployment rate of up to 66.9% in recent years and over 20 other African countries have experienced an unemployment rate of between 20 to 40% from 2012 to 2016 according to .
    Many platforms uniting African professionals exist. Their common goals are to profile, categorize and orientate these experts towards areas where maximum use of their expertise is in need. One such platform is The African Chamber of Commerce (AFCHAM). Inspired by demands for African professionals by foreign companies investing in Africa, the organization now has a project called the AFCHAM-HR Directory. It is a rich pool of African professionals in any industry you can think of and most of them are all available to start work ASAP as long as the working conditions are right.
    Hiring from the AFCHAM-HR Directory is advantageous in the fact that most of the ground work like general background check and preliminary basic skills evaluation are guaranteed and endorsed by AFCHAM, making it easy for the recruiter to focus more on skills related to the particular position in mind. All professionals listed in the program have been checked by AFCHAM officials although this is not an ultimate guarantee that the recruit will satisfy the needs of the employer. Companies or individuals interested in using the AFCHAM-HR Directory service simply have to submit their requests to AFCHAM at and the department will get in touch for further discussions regarding their needs. It is worth noting that companies in need of African professionals are not necessarily companies based in Africa. Many companies based in other countries need African professionals for other reasons related to their businesses.
    African university graduates and working professionals aiming at greater heights in their careers are invited to join this program and get listed as soon as possible before the pool gets flooded. Submit your CVs and portfolios to AFCHAM at and the department will be in touch to evaluate your skills, career interests before getting you listed. African professionals who are already registered members of AFCHAM enjoy more privileges in this program such as advice on CV writing and interview coaching.
    The future of the African continent is in the hands of young African professionals who currently form about 65% of Africa’s population. The African Union in its program dubbed Aspirations for 2063 puts it in the following words: “The aspirations reflect our desire for shared prosperity and well-being, for unity and integration, for a continent of free citizens and expanded horizons, where the full potential of women and youth, boys and girls are realized, and with freedom from fear, disease and want”. The time is now.

    D. Nkwetato