Year: 2016

Land of African Business Forum

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The Land of African Business is a place of  dialogue and network gathering decision makers and entrepreneurs committed to an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through innovation. Founded in 2014 by Eric Bazin, reporter, former editor in chief and founder of the Planet workshops, the LAB is a think tank aiming to build another perspective of “Africas”, pushing the reflection and work for the mutation of the societies through sustainable and inclusive development models, growth sharing and harmony between populations. It puts business and innovation at the core of the debate, joining together economic, media, social, cultural, associative and political personalities with a cross-disciplinary approach focused on partnership spirit. After a successful first edition last year during COP21, with over 3000 participants and 40 nationalities represented, the LAB will host its yearly meeting from 19 to 23 October 2016, in Paris. Through conferences and roundtables, it will be an inescapable event, and a preamble of COP22 in Marrakech. 

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Entrepreneurship oriented

The LAB also hosts a competition dedicated to promising start-ups & innovation: the African Rethink Awards – ARA. This competition rewards young entrepreneurs sharing a common vision: being major actors of the Continent’s growth by focusing on societal, economic, social and environmental projects. 100 young start-ups will pitch their business model before CEOs, investors, NGOs, experts, media, and political figures… Four prizes will be awarded to the winners.


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    IFB NO.: MHE/SSTEP/G/P4/16




                                                               Loan No.: 21001500194


    This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this Project that appeared in the United Nations Development Business (UNDB) online and the African Development Bank Group’s website on 27th January 2015 and on the local print media.


    The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) towards the cost of implementation of the Support to Science and Technology Education Project (SSTEP). It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for the manufacture, supply and delivery of workshop and classroom, and office furniture for four (4No.) Trades Training Institutes and Universities under the Project.  


    The Government of the Republic of Zambia, through the Ministry of Higher Education now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the manufacture, supply and delivery of the following assorted workshop and classroom, and office furniture:


    Workshop, Classroom and Office Furniture for Training Institutions under SSTEP


    Lot No.

    Item Description


    Delivery Period




    8 Weeks

    Classroom tables


    8 Weeks

    Students’ Chairs


    8 Weeks

    Lecturers’ Desks


    8 Weeks

    Lecturers’ Chairs


    8 Weeks

    Drawing Tables


    8 Weeks

    Work Benches


    8 Weeks

    Drawing Boards


    8 Weeks


    Computer lab tables


    8 Weeks

    Computer lab chairs


    8 Weeks

    Laboratory Stools


    8 Weeks

    Library and Classroom chairs


    8 Weeks

    Library tables


    8 Weeks

    Library Study Carrels 


    8 Weeks

    Library Double sided steel shelves


    8 Weeks


    Office Desk


    8 Weeks

    Office Chair


    8 Weeks

    Visitors’ Chair


    8 Weeks

    Filing Cabinet


    8 Weeks



    Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address of the Executing Agency as detailed at the end of this SPN.


    A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address provided below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Zambian Kwacha One Thousand only (K1,000.00) in cash or Bank Certified Cheque. 


    The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Rules and Procedures for the Procurement of Goods and Works, May 2008 edition, Revised in July 2012. The method of procurement is International Competitive Bidding (ICB).


    Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days and must be delivered to the address provided below on or before Friday 14th October, 2016 at 10:30 hours local time and must be accompanied by a Bid Security of at least 2% of the bid sum. HOWEVER, ELECTRONIC BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


    Bids should be appropriately bound (no box files), sealed, bold-labelled and clearly marked “Tender for the Supply and Delivery of Assorted Workshop and Office Furniture for TTIs and Universities under SSTEP” and must be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Ministry of Higher Education, Ground Floor, Maxwell House, Los Angeles Boulevard, Longacres, LUSAKA, Zambia and will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at 10:30 hours local time on or before Friday 14th October, 2016. LATE BIDS SHALL BE REJECTED.


    The closing date for the receipt of bids is Friday 14th October, 2016 at 10:30 hours local time.









    Sector: Water Supply

    1. The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received a loan from the African Development Bank/African Water Facility to finance the four town’s water supply and sanitation improvement program.
    2. The principal objectives of this project are to implement the Water supply and sanitation project through Water Resources Development Fund. The program focus on service delivery through improvement in utility efficiency and sustainability which is aligned with the objectives of the inclusive growth by supporting development and Job creation, especially for women and youth and by prioritizing the specific needs in the underserved periurban areas. The General procurement methods include:-  ( i) Shopping, (ii) National competitive bidding and (iii) International competitive bidding
    3. The project includes the following components


      1. Implementation of the water supply and sanitation projects of the towns of Adwa, Adama, Bichena and Gode. Procurement of Consultancy Service, Supply of pipes and fittings and electromechanical equipment’s, Construction of civil works for four towns. 
      2. Identification of investment in contracts of design review and contract administration of the four towns.
      3. Project identification of the project including Environmental and social management plan implementation.
      4. Stakeholder consultation and engagement including engagement of potential financing agencies as well as the private sector in resource mobilization for implementation of the projects and for project preparation of Consultants, suppliers and Contractors.
      5. Project management that will involve overall project management, consultation workshop   and coordination.
    4. Procurement of Goods and Works will be in accordance with the Bank’s Rules of Procedures for Procurement of Goods and Works. May 2008 edition (revised July 2012). Acquisition of the services of consultants will follow the Bank’s Rules of Procedures for the Use of Consultants May 2008 edition (revised July 2012) Bidding documents expected to be available during the October 2016.
    5. Interested Bidders/ Consultants may obtain further information and should confirm their interest by contacting at the following address during office hour from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM local time Monday to Friday.



    Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum)| 2016


    Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum)| 2016

    Theme: ‘Enhancing partnerships for 21st Century Skills: youth as job creators, not job seekers.’

    The African Union Commission in collaboration with ECOWAS, the National Agency for the Promotion of Youth Employment in Senegal and YALI are pleased to announce a call for applications to the Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development Forum (YEES-Forum). The forum aims at bringing young African entrepreneurs to learn, network, share experiences and good practices, motivate each other and showcase their businesses and thereby be an inspiration to one another. The YEES forum is scheduled to be held from the 5th of October to the 7th of October in Dakar Senegal. This forum targets the Francophone Countries and follows the inaugural forum that was held in Kenya in 2014 targeting Anglophone Countries. 

    The YEES forum is driven by the realisation that interventions focused on linkages will improve the value chain by enabling the flow of critical services through embedded arrangements. In addition to peer to peer linkages, these interventions shall also focus on linking regional competitive youth entrepreneurs to industry champions thus addressing some of the challenges faced by young people, particularly women in business and providing a platform for peer learning. 

    The forum aims to attract entrepreneurs with scalable businesses who are currently employers of labour and are interested in working towards a better Africa.

    Participants at the forum will benefit from:

    • Improved business development skills through practical workshops;
    • Collaborative learning and sharing of experiences to increase success rates for
      business start-ups among young entrepreneurs;
    • Opportunity to identify successful business men or women to act as Mentors
      for young entrepreneurs;
    • Opportunities to engage with young entrepreneurs in dynamic sectors of the emerging intra-Africa trade including extractives and agri-business.

    The program will include:

    • Training: Training sessions on core business development including building
      a sustainable financial structure and personal development. The sessions will
      also introduce participants to various mentoring techniques as well as new tools for effective mentoring.
    • Exhibition: This exhibition will give opportunity to young entrepreneurs to
      showcase their products and explore new market opportunities. Business
      development service providers will also be invited to proffer advice to the young entrepreneurs.
    • Field Visits: Participants visit a successful enterprise owned by young
      entrepreneurs in the host country. This is expected to inspire the participants
      and serve as successful models for their own enterprise development and
    • Experience Sharing: Key business organizations and leaders will be identified
      to facilitate the forum. The regional entrepreneurship development platform to
      be established shall provide back stopping for experience sharing, mentoring
      and business development services

    Date and Venue: The YEES Forum will take place from 5th to 7th of October 2016 in Dakar Senegal.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    • Open to Citizens of African Francophone Countries;
    • African youth between the ages of 15 and 35. Women are strongly encouraged
      to apply;
    • Must be able to speak and work in at least one AU working language (English,
      French, Arabic or Portuguese).

    Participation Cost: Young entrepreneurs can sponsor themselves to this workshop and there is also a limited number of scholarships available to entrepreneurs. Please indicate if you will be interested in sponsorship while applying.

    Interested participants are therefore requested to express their interest in
    participating in this forum by applying via the following link: on the 12 September 2016 by 11:59pm (EAT).

    We are looking forward to your application!

    Land for Life Youth Social Media Activist Challenge

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    Are You the ONE?

    The Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists Challenge: “Are You the ONE?” campaign aims to recognize active, passionate and dedicated young people who are currently active in conserving natural resources and promoting such actions to their peers and local communities via social media. Winners' initiatives, stories, experience and /or challenges encountered, ideas or solutions will be communicated and highlighted through UNCCD’s various communication channels such as social media platforms and website. 

    It is an Opportunity for individual and community projects / stories to get access to valuable networks and gain recognition from a worldwide audience. Thus we encourage all young people who are actively working for environmental justice to send us your initiatives and stories.Your stories could be in the form of short  documentaries, short videos, pictures, short stories, artistic work.

    Who can Apply?  If you are  between 16-40 years old,  and you belong to the  group of young people  that will play a decisive role in shaping the future, we welcome your application. Please see the application guidelines for further details. 

    Who is considered Youth Social Media Activist?
    UNCCD secretariat considers a youth social media activist as young people who are passionate, dedicated and actively working to promote environmental justice; sustainable land and natural resources management or land conservation via different social channels and platforms.
    If you are Bloggers, YouTubers, Young Journalists, Youth Leaders, Students, Artists, Celebrities, or young people who are active in social movements, community organizations, and have the quality of the mentioned Youth Social Media Activist, YOU may be the ONE we are looking for…

    Open for submission: now till 31 October 2016

    Language of​​ submission: Any of the six UN Languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian). If the content is NOT in English, please provide professional English translation.

    How Winners will be rewarded:

    • Top 3 winners will be sponsored to attend a UNCCD International Youth Event co-organized with Future Forest 
    • Winners will be recognized as Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists for a period of one year and receiving a certificate.
    • Winners' story will be published and promoted through UNCCD communication channels.
    • Winners will be invited to present their work at international events.
    • Winners will be expected to promote all UNCCD campaigns with their networks.

    For more details, please contact:

    South Africa: Load Shedding Is History, Says Eskom As Another Ingula Unit Goes Live

    The third unit at Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme was brought into commercial operation on Tuesday, Eskom CEO Brian Molefe announced on Wednesday.

    Each unit adds 333 MW of peak power to the grid, which is key in the power utility's ability to cope with peak demand, especially during winter.

    Addressing Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprise, Molefe pointed out that all four units were synchronised on March 3, March 25, May 21 and June 16, which meant 1 332 MW was being fed into the grid in winter. However, the commercial handover is the end date for the completion of the project.

    Units 4 and 2 went into commercial operation on June 10 and August 22, while unit 1 went live on Tuesday night.

    Unit 3 had a breakdown during synchronisation and would be up and running by the end of the year, Molefe said."The repairs of damaged unit 3 are progressing," he said. "It is the only unit that is expected to come into commercial operation during this financial year."

    In addition, Molefe said Medupi unit 5 is on track for commercial operation in the first half of 2018.

    "With commercial operation of Ingula and the coming on stream of Medupi unit 5, it will be very hard to go into load shedding," Molefe said.

    His positive sentiment about Eskom's finances and operational successes comes as his battle with Treasury reached a turning point on Tuesday evening, when Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown pushed the utility to hand over documents to Treasury over its probe into coal contracts.

    "We will submit the information even though the board has not sat down to formally consider the outcome of the report," spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe told Talk Radio 702.

    "After our discussions this morning with the public enterprises minister, the decision was we would submit the information (to Treasury)".

    "Eskom is on a firm financial and operation footing," Molefe said. "Our financial position has improved and our operational performance has stabilised. We do not anticipate load shedding and the new build programme will meet its deadlines. We are prepared to meet excess supply of electricity."

    'Almost a miracle'

    "We have stabilised Eskom coming from a very poor base with a fleet that was faltering," Eskom chair Ben Ngubane told Parliament on Wednesday. "Plant availability is 80% and more, which is almost a miracle, considering where we were a year ago."

    Molefe said there has been a reduced reliance on open cycle gas turbines in 2016, which cost billions to run during South Africa's load shedding crisis. This has resulted in a decrease from R9.5bn in 2014/15, to R8.87bn in 2015/16, to R0.09bn in 2016/17 to date, Molefe explained."Eskom is striving for no further use of diesel to meet demand for the remainder of the year," he said. "The use of diesel in July was zero."

    Eskom has come under scrutiny once again over the turbines, as they are massively over budget and delayed, with all four turbines originally meant to go live in 2013.

    Carte Blanche interviewed an insider and a mining expert who worked at Ingula, who said the underground contractor was paid billions more than they should have in bonuses, advances and flimsy compensation events, even as the contractors skimped on safety.

    The contractor – CMI Joint Venture – comprises two Italian companies, which allegedly have a track record of over-runs and corruption. The third company is PG Mavundla Engineers, which is owned by Philani Mavundla, a friend of President Jacob Zuma who offered to pay for his Nkandla homestead, according to Carte Blanche.

    Source: Fin24

    Tanzania: Developer to Construct 500 Housing Units in Dodoma

    Watumishi Housing Company (WHC) is planning to construct 500 housing units for public servants in Dodoma as the government relocates there.

    The public entity which is a licensed fund manager for management of the WHC Real Estate Investment Trust (WHC-REIT) has already bought 50 acres and expects to start with 100 houses in the current financial year, according to the company’s chief executive officer Fred Msemwa.

    “The WHC board has endorsed the move after we acquired land at Njedengwa near University of Dodoma, which is conducive for the project. The area has tarmacked roads, water supply and electricity.”

    He said the houses will be sold to public servants at between Sh35 million and Sh65 million.

    WHC-REIT is the main implementor of the Tanzania Public Servant Housing Scheme.

    The programme is tasked with building 50,000 housing units in five phases — from the 2014/2015 financial year.

    So far, the firm has constructed 700 houses.

    The first phase of constructing houses in Dodoma will start this financial year. Other phases will depend on the availability of funds.

    He called on public servants to purchase WHC houses which are sold at reasonable prices instead of constructing their own houses which will involve a lot of money.

    Meanwhile, WHC sold its units to pension funds through collective investment schemes.

    Nigeria: How Ailing Economy’ll Be Revitalized – Presidency

    The Presidency has said that the country’s ailing economy would bounce back fully after the 2016 statutory budgets of corporations and agencies are passed by the National Assembly and subsequently assented to by President Muhammadu Buhari.

    This is even as the President assented to the N241 billion FCT budget for 2016 fiscal year.

    The government attributed the difficulty it was having in revitalizing the troubled economy to the delay by the National Assembly to treat and pass the budgets for urgent assent and implementation.

    It also said the development was negatively affecting job creation and as a result, tasked the legislature to brace up towards doing the needful.

    President Buhari’s expectations on the passage of budgets of the 38 agencies among which include Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS, Nigeria Customs Service, etc, was stated yesterday by his Senior Special Assistant on National Assembly Matters ( Senate ) Senator Ita Enang, at a media briefing in Abuja.

    Enang at the briefing said passing of budgets of the statutory corporations and agencies was a requirement of the law that must be carried out by the National Assembly .

    According to him, the urgent need for the passage of the budget of the statutory agencies was imperative because the total expenditure of their collective budgets almost equal the total budget profile of the country which stands at N6.06trillion.

    Hear him:”Now, if the corporations and agencies’ budget is up to about N4 trillion, that means we will be having a budget of about N10 trillion in the country to implement for this year and when approved, it will make additional money available in the economy with its positive multiplier effects”, he said.

    He added that passing the budget of government corporations would also create and open up employment opportunities in different agencies and parastatals.

    He noted that the Federal Capital Territory Appropriation Act, which has been assented to by President Buhari will also create job opportunities in formal and informal sectors of the economy.

    He said: “The Federal Capital Territory Appropriation Act, 2016 passed by the National Assembly has been assented to by Mr. President.

    “The legal implementation of the Budget, therefore comes into effect now, which will result in employment in the formal and informal sectors within the territory through projects implementation.

    “Some Nigerians have asked questions as to the legal and Legislative grounds for the laying of the Budget of Statutory Corporations before the National Assembly for consideration and passage.

    “The Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2007 requires that the Budget of the Agencies among others be laid before the Assembles by Mr. President, in addition to, and independent of the annual Appropriation Act.

    “The rationale are: It is a requirement of the law that the National Assembly as a Legislative body should consider and pass the Budget of each of them.

    “It is what is spent in the National Budget together with the totality of the expenditure of the collective of the Government Corporations that amount to the total Annual Expenditure of the Country.

    “The vacancies created by retirement in each of these parastals and the new employable vacancies are determined by the Budgetary requirement of the Agencies as will be approved by the National Assembly. Therefore the other rationale for this is to create, regulate and open up employment in the different parastals.

    “It is also to stimulate the economy, in that there are so many capital project in the parastals which when approved by the National Assembly, the parastals will award thus releasing money and stimulate cash flow into the economy.

    “It will also ensure accountability by the Corporations because they will only raise and spend as approved by the National Assembly and will increase activism of the National Assembly in her oversight Responsibility because they will be overseeing implementation as approved, and know surplus Revenue to capture for subsequent years, Appropriations.

    “It will increase Non – Oil Revenue internally generated. The Agencies are under the Law to keep 20% their operational surplus and remit 80% to the Federal Government”.

    Tanzania: Premier Pushes Back Dodoma Transfer Plan

    Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa will not move his office from Dar es Salaam to the designated capital today as earlier announced, it has been revealed.

    Regional Commissioner Jordan Rugimbana said yesterday the Premier would move to Dodoma after completion of the Bunge Sitting which starts on Tuesday next week.

    Speaking to The Citizen there yesterday, Mr Rugimbana said the Prime Minister opted for brief delay to move to Dodoma to enable ministers and other relevant authorities to concentrate on issues pertaining to the Parliament sitting.

    “As we announced earlier, during Bunge sessions, we would not like to see Dodoma hosts an event of great magnitude, or ministers and some Members of Parliament engage in other activities that can compel them to miss some sessions,” said Mr Rugimbana.

    He said the decision by Mr Majaliwa was also aimed at providing the regional authorities with ample time to work on some important isues before the government shifts its seat from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.

    “Moving the Premier’s office from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma will go down in history as one of the major events to happen in our country,” said the RC.

    “We, therefore, need ample time to address some of the challenges the region faces before his arrival,” he added.

    According to the RC, regional authorities have planned for a grand reception for the Prime Minister.

    The Dodoma residents, he said, were to host a special ceremony for him at Mtumba Municipality premises, a few hours after his arrival.

    A number of artistes and traditional dancing groups were to spice up the event.

    “The Premier was to address a public rally at the Jamhuri Stadium here in the afternoon,” he said.

    For her part, Dodoma District Commissioner Christina Mndeme appealed to residents here continue with their preparations for the Premier’s arrival.

    On July 25, this year, Mr Majaliwa said he would move his office from Dar es Salaam to the new capital on September 1, this year (today).

    Addressing the Dodoma residents during the Heroes Day, Mr Majaliwa said he was setting the pace for the execution of President John Magufuli’s directive of moving the government to Dodoma before 2020, when his first term ends.

    He said he had instructed relevant authorities to ensure his residence is ready for him to move in today. “On that note, I order all Cabinet ministers to pack their bags with me. I know they all have houses and sub-offices here in Dodoma,” he said.

    The PM also challenged residents here to make the best out of the mass shifting of the government offices by investing in service provision.

    prepare enough to welcome the premier said his arrival and stay here would play a pivotal role at boosting the region’s economic status.

    “We are continuing well preparing to welcome Mr Majaliwa with much fanfare,” she briefed.

    President John Magufuli promised that the government will shift to the country capital, when he was accepting CCM chairmanship in June.

    President Magufuli said he would ensure his government moves to Dodoma before the end of his first five-year term in 2020.

    Mr Majaliwa is moving to Dodoma to fulfill President John Magufuli’s order that the government must shift its seat from Dar es Salaam over the next four years.

    Speaking during the Heroes Day on July 25 in Dodoma, Premier Majaliwa pledged to move to Dodoma in September and asked other ministers to start thinking of how they were going to follow suit.

    Regional authorities have organised a special welcoming ceremony for September 1, in honour of Prime Minister, who will permanently shift his office here from Dar es Salaam.

    Minister in Prime Minister’s office (Policy, parliament, employment, youth and disabled) Jenister Mhagama moved to Dodoma to prepare for the premier’s arrival.

    Cameroon Youths Step in to Repair Roads

    n Cameroon, a volunteer youth group "Human Bulldozers" is shifting piles of mud to make roads passable. On one routes, they have cut the journey time from five to three hours.

    They waited for years but no help came from the government. Enough was enough, they said, and came up with a solution. Hundreds of youths made their way to Nkondjock market square in Nkam Division of the littoral region of Cameroon.

    Via loud speakers, they rallied their peers to join a movement for the repair of damaged roads. "We thought that before asking what the state has done for us, we should also show what we have done for the state," said Koumba Ernest, one of the team leaders.

    Ernest and his colleagues organized themselves into working groups. They began work using rudimentary tools such as battered hoes, shovels and diggers to make some of the roads passable.

    "The state has forgotten Nkondjock, not only Nkondjock but Nkam in general. It is now upon us, the population, to begin such community development initiatives," Ernest said.

    Nkondjock residents soon saw the impact the group was making and gave them the nickname "Human Bulldozers." As the name suggests, the youths had bulldozed their ways along the only passable 80-kilometer stretch of road, dug drains, filled up potholes and leveled the heavily muddied road.

    The road is a lifeline for Nkondjock residents who use it to transport goods to nearby villages. Transport vehicles used to take about five hours to make the journey assuming they didn't get stuck in mud. After the back-breaking effort by the youths, vehicles now require less than three hours for the trip.

    "We are actually angry because despite the fact that we are in an agriculture basin that supplies food to western Cameroon and beyond, our roads are abandoned to deteriorate," said Kwemo Isaac, a notable resident of Nkondjock.

    Cameroon has several food basins and Nkondjock is one of them. Nkondjock farmers supply maize and cash crops like coffee and cocoa to the rest of the country. But poor roads forced them to consider other ways of making a living.

    "We have many buyers coming here for our goods. But because of bad roads, they push the buying price down to a level where we are being discouraged from working in our farms. This is because we hardly recover what we invest. We are working at a loss just because of the roads," Kwemo Isaac said.

    Isaac added that the youths are helping but the government still needs to step in. "We have the farms but we are not able to give in our best. So we are on our knees before the government, before the state, saying that we have tried our best but this human bulldozer initiative alone is not enough."

    The youths meet every Wednesday and Saturday to work. The men do the heavy liftings, while the women cook and run other errands. Even children are allowed to work. But 9-year old Prisca Berka said she didn't mind working.

    "The other children and I fetch water for our parents who cook for those working on the roads," Berka said. "We also pass on drinking water to the workers when they are thirsty."

    The administrative office of Nkondjock turned down DW's request for an interview, but an official said the government of Cameroon was aware of the road conditions.